Wishful thinking

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"Yui are you okay?" Her adoptive mother Rebecca ask her softly as she sat down next to her as they both watch the sky with stars shining above them. Yui sighs softly "Yeah I am. Im just having wishful thinking" she admitted.

"Wishful thinking" Rebecca repeated as she stare at her adoptive daughter who nods "I been thinking for the last three years when mom died" She took a deep breath "I wonder if she was ever coming back to get me so I could meet you guys properly" she laughs bitterly "But it didnt happen that way now did it?"

"Oh honey" she said softly hugging the child "You have us now, your never going to feel isolated or alone ever again" she kiss her forehead.  Yui felt a smile across of her face as she hug back her tightly "I love you" she blurted out before gasping in shock.

She only knew Shiki and Rebecca for a very short time but she already loves them as her parents already. She realized that she has gotten attached to them since the day they met. Yui knew that she could trust these people according to her mother.

They would never betray her trust, especially with her new parents she already had accepted them as.

Rebecca's breath hitched. Did Witch's daughter just told her that she loves her? She couldnt help but suddenly burst into tears making Yui look in shocked.

"Mommy whats wrong?" she said looking worry but she nods "Yeah im okay just feeling emotional" she sniffs softly "I love you too Yui" she said sweetly.

Yui and Rebecca shared a private family moment together to which Shiki looked at a distance with a smile on his face.

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