Two became one

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"Shiki Im worried about Yue" Rebecca tells her boyfriend as they were in the bedroom together alone, the door locked just in case if anyone tries to barge in(cough *mother* cough). Shiki held her closely to his chest looking concerned as well.

"She is upset that her mom left us and her especially" he tells her softly "We cant change the past but we can do better towards the future..Her future especially" He said kissing her forhead. Rebecca shivers but didnt say anything else.

"She isnt adjusting well Shiki, which worries me" Rebecca said softly "We got to do something about her adoptive parents"Shiki nods with agreement "We need to talk to her sooner than later" she added.

"Of course Rebecca!" he said looking into her glaze "We will make sure she doesnt do anything rash" he said quietly. "Yeah" she said before she lean forward and kiss him tenderly, and he gently held her back before they fell into bed.

" ready for this?" he ask worried as he glanced at his girlfriend. "Yes Shiki im ready" Rebecca said glancing at him. It took some time for Rebecca to be 'ready' for having sexual intercourse but he waited for this moment to which she loves him even more.

"Okay" He whisper before clothes started to fall off and into the floor.

Tonight the two finally became whole.

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