Chapter 4 - Invincible Summer

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'Cause everyone I've met is afraid of something
It burns too bright, but hurts for nothing
We learn too young to love and let it go

But to me, this is everything that I believe
I've been scared alone and lost and torn apart. "

'Invincible Summer' - Dangerkids


It was Thursday and a wet and windy day in Anchorage. Emily was about to go on her lunchbreak from work and had arranged to meet up with Shannon to go down to the harbourside and eat together. Shannon had been busy working from Emily's apartment and focusing on his side venture from the band; Black Fuel Trading Company. He had also discussed things with Emily and had phoned up his and Jared's doctor; Dr Newman, to see if he could fly into Anchorage on Saturday to meet them and discuss things through. Shannon was way out of his depth when it came to anything to do with children, that was more Jared's area of expertise.

Jared was brilliant with people. It didn't matter how old or young they were, they would flock to him. Jared had a Jesus-like persona and he knew it; often playing to it and eventually having people eventually eating out of the palm of his hand. Sometimes he even dressed the part of 'The Saviour'.

He, on the other hand, could easily give or take people. Sometimes he enjoyed the company of others and at other times, just liked his own space and company. Although they were brothers, they could also be polar opposites at times.

Pulling on his beanie, putting on his sunglasses and zipping up his coat, he caught the elevator down to the lobby, preparing to walk to the café and meet Emily for lunch. Smiling at the very flirty receptionist who he was sure knew who he was, the main doors slid open and he stepped out onto the sidewalk. He had to admit that Anchorage had started to grow on him over he's weeks stay here, but he still preferred the warm, arid temperature of LA over it.

Reaching into his trouser pocket he pulled out his phone as he felt it starting to vibrate with an incoming call. He knew it would be his brother, he could only ignore him for so long and this was the longest they had gone without talking; it felt weird. He pressed the 'Call Accept' button.

"Hey Jay." He sighed deeply.

"Hey. Are you talking to me now?"

"Jared. Don't. I'm tired of fighting." There was an awkward pause. "I'm flying back Sunday and I'll hold an impromptu Meet and Greet, or something for the fans I let down."

"You can't just keep bailing on the band every times you miss her and want to see her."

Shannon slid a hand into his trouser pocket and kicked at a pebble.

"I need to talk to you about some stuff when I get back."

"Okay. You're not thinking of leaving the band, are you?"

"No. Nothing like that. I'll know more after tomorrow and be able to talk to you properly then."

"Why? What's happening tomorrow?"

"Erm...Dr Newman is flying into Anchorage."

"Dr New- wait, so she really is pregnant? Emily's pregnant? With your baby?"

"Spare me the amateur dramatics Jay. Yes, she's pregnant and no, it might not be mine, although there's a good chance it could be."

He heard his brother let out a breath he had been holding. "Well, who else's could it be Shannon?"


"Oh, this just gets better and better. Shannon, you're nearly 50, I really thought you'd have known better by now."

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