Chapter 23 - Paperweight

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" Been up all night staring at you
Wondering what's on your mind
I've been this way with so many before
But this feels like the first time
And you want the sunrise to go back to bed
And I want to make you laugh"

Mess up my bed with me
Kick off the covers I'm waiting
Every word you say I think
I should write down
Don't want to forget come daylight. "

'Paperweight' - Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk


The next day was hell. Emily was still in a foul mood from the confrontation with Jason last night.

Shannon finally decided on getting up early and going for a walk. He ended up sitting down at the harbour front watching the sunrise.

He was still trying to wrap his head around what the hell had happened last night.

How had it gone from taking some pregnancy photos of Emily and releasing them as PR photos to announce their relationship to the public, having deep talks and sharing life stories, to the most incredible sex he had had in a long time; he was still thinking about it now, ending with Jason busting in on them both, demanding to talk to Emily?

He didn't know what to make of Jason's revelation about Emily and his brother being together.

Why hadn't Emily told him about it? He liked to think he was approachable and that she could talk to him about anything.

That was what had hurt him the most, that she felt she couldn't come to him, either way.

Did he want to view the supposed footage of the two of them together? Part of him wanted to know for himself, but part of him knew it would break his heart if it was true.

Shannon knew that his brother had been messaging Emily on numerous occasions; how he had managed to get ahold of her number, God only knew? She had shown him the messages, but he didn't know again if it was just to piss him off or if he really did have feelings for her.

As far as he knew, Emily wanted nothing to do with Jay, so this led him to the conclusion that it was all infatuation on Jared's part.

He'd actually popped into a cornershop and bought a packet of cigarettes. Since he and Emily had been together, he had pretty much managed to quit as he knew how much she hated it, plus, with the baby on the way, he didn't want to expose it to cigarette smoke.

But right now, he was stressed. In fact, stressed was just the tip of the iceberg to what he was feeling.

He sat down on a large rock by the harbourside, by now, it was just starting to become twilight, and the birds were starting their morning serenade.

Leaving Emily on her own was worrying him, but he figured that she'd still be talking to him enough to warrant a phone call if there was a problem.

He had left her sleeping peacefully, and was pleased that at least one of them had managed to get some sleep, and of the two of them, he was glad it had been her as she had been exhausted.

She hadn't let him touch her after the incident, and he had contemplated going and sleeping on the couch but couldn't bring himself to do it. Besides, he loved her warmth and the soft scent of roses that always clung to her.

Lighting the cigarette he held between his lips, he took a drag and then exhaled slowly feeling the sweet sweet nicotine hitting him just where he needed it -Emily would probably be pissed when he came back later stinking of smoke, but right now? Honestly, he couldn't care less.

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