Chapter 26 - Deeper Conversations

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" And if you don't mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
And everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me

I've let my guard down for you
And in time you will too. "

'Deeper Conversations' - Yuna


Why was there so much humming going on around her? It sounded as though her head was filled with bees, so she shook her head to get rid of the annoying, persistent noise.

The humming gradually turned into a roaring sound, and she found herself looking up into a bright white light, then slowly, her eyes began to focus.

There were about five people fussing around her, and as she slowly got her bearings, she realised that she was lying on the marbled floor to her apartment complex.

Panic started to set in.

"Whaaaa." Emily mummbled, trying to swallow, but her throat was too dry to be able to.

"Can someone get some water please, she's trying to talk." A male voice called out, and Emily saw the receptionist quickly run off.

"W-where am I? What-what happened?" Emily began to mummble and croaked out.

"Emily, try not to move, just rest. We've got paramedics coming to check you out, OK?" The male voice spoke again.

She knew it couldn't be Shannon as he was back in LA. Starting to panic that she thought they might be Jason, she made to reach out, grasping for what she didn't know.

"Emily, you need to relax. You're gonna be OK. You had a nasty fall. I think you must have slipped because of the wet from the rain."

Managing to very slightly turn her head in the direction of the voice, she then realised it was Bryce, the man she had met on the day of her move into the complex.

He smiled at her. "That was quite a slip you had. I was just getting in from work myself, and I saw you slip over but managed to get to you before you hit your head on the ground."

"Why does everything hurt so much?" A dull thumping started up in her head, and her elbow felt as though it was on fire.

"Your body will have tensed itself to brace for the impact, kind of like whiplash. You'll feel bruised for a couple of days even though you didn't hit the floor full force."

Then it suddenly hit her. "My baby! What about my baby! Please tell me he's OK?" She started to panic and cry.

"You're pregnant?"

"Yes. About 4 months. He's going to be OK, right? I-I can't lose him." She sobbed.

"Hey. Shhh. I'm sure it's all going to be fine. I caught you, and you didn't land on your front, but we have paramedics on their way to check you out."

He saw the receptionist returning with a bottle of water.

"Oh, she's awake. Thank god you were there, I couldn't get to her quick enough." She handed Bryce the bottle of water, which he took and cracked open for Emily to drink from.

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