Chapter 31 - Dirty Little Secret

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" I'll keep you my dirty little secret (dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (just another regret)
(Hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Who has to know?

The way she feels inside (inside)
Those thoughts I can't deny (deny)
These sleeping dogs won't lie (won't lie)
And all I've tried to hide
It's eating me apart
Trace this line back. "

'Dirty Little Secret' - All American Rejects

She hadn't heard Jared get up and move to stand behind her whilst she was cleansing her face and definitely wasn't expecting his touch on her skin.

"How can someone do that to another person's skin?" She heard him whisper softly to nobody in particular.

Emily chewed her lip feeling awkward, but at the same time, enjoying the sensation of the touch on her skin.

She felt him move his fingers; almost ghost-like, lower down her back, letting them trail over some older scars she had there.

"Shannon mentioned to me about some things that Jason did to you, but I didn't realise it was this bad. I'm so sorry Emily."

"Don't be. It's not your fault, Jay." She set down her cleanser and binned the cotton round she had been using.

"How did this one happen?" He trailed a finger over a particularly nasty scar she had on her shoulder.

She turned her head to try to see whereabouts he was touching her and got a whiff of his citrus aftershave as she did so.

"I erm... I-I can't remember. Jay. I need to get ready for bed. I'm exhausted tonight." She pulled off her makeup headband and stood up from the chair she had been sat on turning around, making to move past Jared who was blocking her way back to the bathroom, but he didn't move.

"Jay, can you please move?"

He didn't and moved his hands to hold her by her upper arms.

"W-what are you doing?"

"You're so beautiful, Emily. I don't know how someone could do that to you." Jared whispered.

She frowned. "Jay-." The next thing she felt was him lean down and softly kiss her neck. Quickly pulling away from him, Emily looked up at him and then slapped him round the face.

"DON'T! It's bad enough that I have to share a room with you, Jay. Don't make me regret it!" Barging past him, she snatched up Shannon's t-shirt and her sleep shorts, then stormed off to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door after herself.

By now, Emily was absolutely exhausted. It was 2am, her back and feet were aching, and the last thing she wanted to be dealing with right now was Shannon's younger brother hitting on her.

After brushing her teeth and combing her hair out; braiding it into a loose plat that she tossed over her shoulder, she returned from the bathroom.

Jared was sat back behind his laptop frantically typing away. She saw him glance up at her and saw the makings of a handprint starting to form on his cheek. She wanted to feel bad for him but couldn't.

Folding back the sheet to the bed, she found her phone from within her handbag and plugged it in to charge, placing it on the table by her bed.

She quickly fired off a text to Shannon that just said, 'I Love You. Goodnight Xxxxx ❤️'

And another to Emma that simply read, 'Can you please make sure that I never share a room with Jay again? X'

Emma quickly replied, 'I'm sorry about that. But why? What's happened?'

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