9. An Old Home

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           Angel stared at Nate, who sat on the couch as she sat on the farthest end of the couch

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Angel stared at Nate, who sat on the couch as she sat on the farthest end of the couch. He gave her a sad look, looking around the room.

"It's weird, this place used to feel like home."
Nate said, looking around the room, "Now it feels so weird being in here."

"Yeah, that's what happens when people break up." She nodded, picking at her nails. Nate sighed, watching her.

"How do you feel?" Nate asked softly.

"Like you completely fucked me up." Angel mumbled. Nates heart dropped at her words, nodding slowly.

"You know, you have a way of making everything sound... romantic."

Angel chuckled softly, looking down at her lap. "How come you ever loved me?" She questioned, her blue eyes meeting Nates.

"I still do."

"Okay, then why do you love me?" Angel reiterated.

"Cause your you, your an Angel." He smiled. "You could be so loving and caring, wanting the best for everyone. But you could also be spiteful and cruel when you need to, but not really." He explained.

"Not really what?" She asked confused.

"Not really spiteful and cruel."

"I knew I could be spiteful, but I never knew I could be cruel, I guess I do now." She hummed, leaning her head on her palm. "Did you know how much I loved you?" She asked after a minute of silence. "And I mean like, love love. Not loving you for your body or for something. I just loved you."
Angel was now getting teary eyed and it broke Nate's heart.

"Did you ever feel it? How much I loved you?" She sniffled.

"I did." He nodded, "I know you loved me so much, I was the one who fucked it up. And I loved you just as much too, I loved you so much."

"Then why did you do what you did? Why did you treat me like that if you loved me?" Nate frowned, reaching his arm out, pulling Angel over to him softly.
He wrapped his arms around her, tucking her head beneath his chin.

"I didn't mean to." He whispered. "I swear I never meant to hurt you as much as I did." He bent down, kissing the top of her head. The two just sitting there in silence.


It was Maddy's birthday, all her friends were at the Howard's, celebrating. Cassie looked down at Maddy's cake, which had a picture of Maddy on it, of course. She lit each of Maddy's candles, blowing out the match. She took the cake in her hands carefully, walking down the dark hall to take to the beloved birthday girl.
Maddy's jaw dropped when she saw the cake, squealing in excitement, clapping her hands.

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