17. Heartbroken

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      Nate walked back into the gym, and over to Angel who was still sat with the girls

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      Nate walked back into the gym, and over to Angel who was still sat with the girls. He wanted one last dance. She giggled, everyone, falling silent, she frowned, looking up and seeing Nate standing there. She sighed, turning around, looking forward. 
     "Angel, get up." He demanded. 

She let out a little scoff, "No." She said shaking her head. 

      "Just get up." He sighed. 


      "Could you stop being such a fucking brat and just come dance with me, please?" Nate sighed, the other girls watched with wide eyes. 

     "Yeah, that makes me wanna dance with you, asshole." She scoffed, "And you can't even fucking dance." 

     "It's a fucking slow song. Let's go, get up." He sighed, holding his hand out, "One dance, please." She sighed, taking his hand, leading him to the dance floor. 
    The two swayed to the music, Angel laying her chest on Nate's chest, his chin on top of her head. 

     "I really fuckin' hate you." She whimpered, tears coming to her eyes. 

     "I know." He whispered. 

"You're mentally abusive, abusive, and psychopathic. And most of the time i hate the way you make me feel like I'm not good enough." 

     "I know." 

Angel sniffled, "It's not good for either of us." Her voice cracking. 

       "I know." 

"Meaning like, we shouldn't be together anymore, in anyway way." She sniffled, tears running down her face, "At least not for a while." She knew she wouldn't be able to stay away forever. 

     "I know." He stated, his voice cracking. Angel sniffled again, Nate kissing the top of her head. 

     "You are my first love," Angel admitted, "And... I want, more than anything, for you to be my last." He pulled her tighter, letting out a quiet sob. "I know what you did... and it's okay. I forgive you." 
    Nate felt like his heart was being ripped out, but she felt the same way. Their hearts were both breaking as they held each other. 

     "I can't not see you every day." He whimpered, "I can't not be with you. Please don't." He begged. "I don't want to break up." They were breaking up in their own sick twisted way. 

     "Tell me you love me." She whispered, "And that you want to spend the rest of your life with me..." 

     "I love you, so, so much and i want to spend the rest of my fucked up life with you." He let out shakily. Angel looked up at him, pressing her lips to his, he deepened the kiss, wiping her tears away. 

    "Then we need to do this, okay?" She frowned, "We have to take a break..." 

     "Can i kiss you?" She nodded, kissing him again. She pulled away, leaving her hand on Nate's face. 

     "I love you..." She said, moving away from him. He held on as tight as he could without hurting her, their hands slipped past each other as she rushed out of the gym, wrapping her arms around herself. 
   She stepped into the cold air, heading off towards her house. She cried to herself as she left Nate behind. 


     When Angel entered the basement of her house, her own room and closed her door. She sank to the floor, her heartbreaking ten times more. She let out a sob, just sitting there. 
    She wanted the pain to stop. She stood up, pulling whatever was left of her stash out, crushing up the pills and putting them in lines. She closed her eyes, remember the happy times with her dad, the happy times with Nate, the happy times in general. 

    She quickly did the three lines and she looked around the room, her eyes landing on her reflection in the mirror. She let out another sob, throwing whatever she found at the mirror, it so happened to be a jewelry box, shattering the mirror. She let out another cry, sitting on the floor. She laid back on the floor, looking up to the ceiling, letting the high take over. 
   She reached up, touching the necklace Nate had given her. 

            And then she closed her eyes. 

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