I Have Superpowers.

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The next day, Tadashi got to the Caffe where his friends and you were already there.

"Oh, hey guys!" Tadashi said.

"Tadashi!!" the team said.

"Whats up?" Tadashi said.

"Nah, waiting here for Hiro to come!" Fred said.

"Wanna come?" Wasabi said.

"Not today sorry, i have some research to do." Tadashi said.

"What is the research about!" you said.

"Something....." Tadashi said a little nervous. You looked at him suspiciously, something wasnt right. Then Hiro came to the Caffe.

"Hey guys!" Hiro said.

"Hey!" the team said.

"Hi Hiro!" you said.

"Hi ____!" Hiro said and you blushed a little.

"Are you ok? You look a little red." Hiro said.

"Oh! No! Its nothing! Its just a little hot in here!" you said.

"Yeeeaaaahhhh...i can see that!" Fred said.

You turned around and saw the team smirking at you. You blushed so madly that screamed.

"Can we go already!?"

"Yeah we can go!" Hiro said.

"See you later!" Tadashi said.

"Wait! Your not going with us to SFIT?" Hiro said.

"No, i have some research to do! Bye!" Tadashi said running to his room that he chared with Hiro.

"Your brother is a little wierd." you said.

"Tell me about it." Hiro said and tge team got out to go to SFIT.

(With Tadashi)

Tadashi was in his bed rubbing his hands and fire came out if his hands. He clapped his hands and turned off. He started to move his hands all over the room and fire came out of his hands. He stopped and looked at his hands. He looked at his feet and did a kick and fire came out of his foot. He looked at his hands again that have fire on them, and he said something that made him feel a little happy.

"I have powers......oh..yeah.."

And started to laugh a little.

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