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You crying on Hiros bed. Hiro cant be dead. Not now. Or never. You didnt wanted to see the reality. But you had to face your fears, and that was one of them, losing Hiro.

"Why? Why do you had to leave me!? I loved you with all my heart. You loved meto. Why did you had to sacrifise." you said.

Then started to walk oround the room.

"I though.....we could live a happily ever after, but, i think it happends only in books and movies, not on real life. Please be out there. One of those bodies couldnt be yours, could it? Please be alive and not dead.....why did you had to live me? Just why...why......why........." you said.

Then the team called you from down the stairs. You needed to help them built Tadashis armour and they had to built yoirs too. You wiped your tears away anf tried not to think about Hiro. Hiro was dead, there was nothing you could do. You opened the door of Hiro's room, looked at it and runned down to go with the team.

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