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You and and the team were in your labs. You had to write something, but you didnt have paeper and pencil.

"Well let me ask Hiro if he has a paper and pencil." you said to your self as you got up and went to Hiros lab.

You opened the door just a little and saw Hiro talking to Baymax. You felt nervous and didnt know why. You couldnt be in love with him, just couldnt.

"Stop doing like your going to adk him on a freaking date! Its just a paper and a frwaking pencil!" you told yourself. You opened the door and got to Hiro.

"Hey Hiro!" you said.

"Hi!" he said."do you need anything?"

"You..." you thought, but you didnt just think of that, you said out loud.

"What?" he said.

"Oh! Nothing!" you said putting your hand on his desk but fell a few books.

" so useless.." you said and got to get the book.

"No problem." he said as he got to the books. You were about to have the last one until Hiro touched your hand and you felt weird. The looked at each other that the two did eye contact. But you broke the eye contact and put body straight and so did he.

"So do you have...ahhh, a paper and pencil you can give me...??" you said with a little blush.

"Yeah, i have ones." he said and got to his desk to take a paper and pencil. He came back with the paper and pencil and give it to you.

"Thanks." you said.

"Yourwelcome, but i have two question." Hiro said.

"Yes?" you said.

"Are you hidding a secret from me?" he said.

"Hahahahaha, no of course not." you said.

"Are you in love with me?" he said.

You froze in your spot. You didnt know what to say until you started to laugh.

"Ahahahahahahahahahah, Lol, of course not! And by the way, your way out of my league!" you said.

"Say's who?" he said.

You froze in your spot...again.

"Well, i have to go home early today. We have a great dialogue." he said kissing your cheek and going out of his lab to his home. You walked to your lab with a big blush and you shot your door lab.

"He kissed my cheek...." you said touching your cheek but then screamed. "Why are you so perfect!? Youre ruining my life!! I Hate YOU!!!"

(With Hiro)

Hiro got to his house and went to his room. He saw Tadashi with a book.

"Are you ok? Superman..." Hiro said.

"Stop it Hiro, i dont have superpowers!" Tadashi said though 'of course i have'.

"Well, if you do, you will never safe the world like i do!" Hiro said but put his hand on his mouth.

"What did you say?" Tadashi said looking at Hiro.

"Nothing!" Hiro said.

"Your hidding secrets from me, are you?" Tadashi said.

"No...and you?" Hiro said.


"Ok? Im going with Cass if she needs anything..." Tadashi said getting out of the room. Hiro landed on his bed and said to himself.

"If you only knew, bro. If you only knew...."

BIG HERO 6  2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz