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"____, please wake up. Wake up baby wakeup." Hiro said.

"Ummmmmm....please dont call me baby." you said.

"I wont baby!" Hiro said.

The two hugged. Then separed.

"At least we are safe now." Wasabi said.

"Well, there one thing left." Hiro said.

"What?" you said.

"This." he said and kissed you. You obviously kissed back. While the two kissed the team said things.

"Eww!" Gogo said.

"AWWWWWW!" Wasabi said.

"My babies, they are so old now!" Fred said.

"Thats my brother." Tadashi said.

"OmG! If i had my phone righ now!" Honey said.

"Diagnosis : Cute." Baymax said.

All startted to laugh.

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