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"HIROOOO!!!!" you keep screaming hes name but there was no answer. You were about to run to the building but Fred cough you and you tried to be free but couldnt.

"No! LET ME GO!! HIRO IS IN THERE I NOW IT!!!!" you said.

"_____. Stop! Hes gone!" Fred said.

You stopped fighing, he let you go and you looked at the team.

"What? You guys believe that he is dead? Please, He's Hiro Hamada!!" you said crying.

"He said that if i could be the new leader of the tram......" Tadashi said.

All of you looked at him in the floor crying.

"He was too young....he only had 16 years old!.............i.....cant take it anymore....." Tadashi said.

You got to his side crying and said "If he said that if you could be the new leader......"

He looked at you.

"Be the new leader......but some part of me is saying to me that Hiro is dead." you said.

He smiled at you and standed up with you.

"You wanted to help people, and thats what we are going to do." Wasabi said.

"Hiro wanted to help people to......we are going to tell you to be our leader, and ____ to be a new member of the team." Gogo said.

"Really?..." you said.

"Yes." Gogo said.

"Thanks...." you said.

"Ok, i will be your leader, but just because of Hiro, lets go home to do my suit." Tadashi said.

All of you headed home. You keep telling to you that Hiro wasnt dead, you had a feeling that Hiro is NOT dead...or you are wrong..?

BIG HERO 6  2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant