New Plan

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"Ok guus think!" Hiro said.

"Use those big brain of your to think yourvway out lf the problem!" Tadashi said.

"Look for a new angle." Hiro said.

All the team started to think until Honey had a plan.

"Oh! I have one!" Honey said.

"Ok honey, tell us." Tadashi said.

"We can look for the portal, open it. Then trap the other Baymax in ot and lock it forever." Honey said.

"Yeah, but, how are we going to trap him?" Gogo said.

"Simple, we can grab something he wants, like, his arm, i touched it and then tranformed into liquid, then put it on the portal, puch him inside, then close the portal and finisg!" you said.

"Wow, thats a really good plan, you impress me!" Wasabi said.

"And i though i was the only genious here." Hiro said.

"Thanks." you said blushing.

"Can we go now, i want to kick his ass!" Fred said.

"Whos ready!?" Hiro said.

"Us!" the team shouted.

"Who are we!?" Hiro said.

"The Big Heros!!" the team shouted.

"Lets get ready for the Final Battle!" Hiro said.

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