Tell Them.

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(A/N: and once again the gif fits perfectly lol)

*Chris's POV*

This has got to be some sort of joke or something. I couldn't even comprehend the situation at hand, my mind was fumbling and tripping over my millions of thoughts. "P-pregnant?" I stuttered. Her body started to shake and curl in on itself as tears racked through her body. I was... I was going to be a father?

Without even thinking, I knelt down beside her and watched her flinch away from me, only to be embraced in my arms moments later. Samantha's body slowly relaxed as her sobs left her. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked from her crying. I snaked my arms tighter around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder as she hid her face in my chest. We could have been sitting like this for hours of it weren't for the guys coming home.

"We're back!" Ghost sang as he flung bags of food onto the counter. "And we bring food!" Samantha looked absolutely terrified, and I don't blame her. "Yo, Chris, if you don't come get your food, then I'm going to eat it for you." He coaxed me out of the bathroom.

"Are you coming out?" I pulled out of the hug and looked at her cautiously. She shook her head and glanced back at me with worried eyes. "I'll make up an excuse. You come out when you're ready." I could see that she still didn't feel well, as her face was paler than mine and she clutched her stomach like she was going to puke again.

I made my way out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me and sat down at my kitchen counter. I wasn't really hungry, but I never really was. The guys would yell at me of I didn't eat though. They'd think I was being extremely depressed again and chances are they'd send me back to Doctor Way. As much as Gerard was a nice guy, I really didn't want to go back there. I picked through my plate of spaghetti and meatballs, barely eating any of it, only moving it around so that it looked like there was less on my plate. Maybe the guys wouldn't notice if I just threw it out.

And I still couldn't get over the fact that I was going to be a father. I don't know if what I was feeling was good or bad but it definitely made my stomach churn and do flips. I think I felt worse than Samantha did right now.

Just think about it... I could have a beautiful baby girl, or handsome son, or even both... Maybe twins! What if I wasn't ready for kids though? Everyone knew I was unstable by myself and I could barely take care of my own well being, let alone a child.

"Chris, you haven't eaten anything..." Ryan pointed out, stealing a meatball from my plate to feed to Ricky, who sat on his lap once again. Shit, they noticed. "You okay? You're as pale as a ghost... And I mean the spiritual kind, not Devin." I avoided all of there looks as I thought through my answers in my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I settled for a simple answer. Since they were all watching me, I decided to pick up a forkful of spaghetti to bring to my mouth, but I couldn't bring myself to eating it. I wasn't hungry one bit, and forcing myself to eat would only make this feeling worse.

"And where's Samantha, we brought her some pizza, cuz I figured what girl doesn't like pizza?" Ghost chimed in.

"She's in the bathroom." I barely answered.

"She's been in there for like twenty minutes." Ricky added. "Is she okay?" Leave it to Ricky to be the concerned one.

"Eww is she on her period or something?" And leave it to Ghost to ruin the concern. I snorted a little at Ghosts remark. Closing up my container of pasta, I put it in the fridge and headed for the couch.

"Eww she not on her period, you dumbass. She's preg-" I had to stop myself. What was I thinking?! "She's just sick." I tried to cover up my slip up.

"She's preg-sick?" Ryan asked while throwing himself on top of me on the couch. He lay with his legs over mine while I glared at him, and Ricky was glaring at me. Oh, if looks could kill.

"Get off my boyfriend." Ricky pouted.

"Hey, get your boyfriend off of me." I hooked my arms around Ryan's legs and threw them off of me with such immense force that he almost fell off the couch onto the floor. Just then, Samantha decided to join us out in the living room.

"Hey, Sam, your pizza is on the table." Ricky informed her while helping Ryan off the floor.

"Did you get the pickles?" She asked. Way to be obvious, Samantha.

"No, because that's absolutely crazy." Ricky looked absolutely confused. "not to mention disgusting." Ricky walked into the kitchen to fetch her some pickles with a grossed out face. "But here you are. Samantha took the pickles and dipped them in the tomato sauce then eating them in huge bites. "What the fuck is wrong with you, you're acting like you're pregna-" he stopped midsentence with his eyes as wide as the moon. He looked back and forth from me to Samantha then back to me and his face was priceless. Well, he figured it out. I leaped over the couch and yanked him outside before he could say anything else that would alert the other guys who were otherwise oblivious.

"Shhh!" I pushed him outside as he flailed and hit me to let him go.

"She's pregnant! You got her pregnant!" He was incredulous as he paced back and forth. "And nobody knows about this?" Ricky raked his fingers through his long wavy black hair.

"Yeah, unless you shout it any louder." I glared at him, casually checking back inside every once in a while to make sure none of the guys were listening. "Besides, I didn't even know until just an hour ago."

"How are you so calm about this?! Jesus, Chris, you're going to be a father!" I swear, Ricky was more nervous and hysterical than I was. "Are you even ready for this?"

"Well I kind of have to be, Now." I shrugged. The reality was just starting to set into my bones and the more I focused on this whole thing, the more I became okay with it. Maybe, just maybe, a kid would help me in the long run. I'm not saying for sure, but this could ultimately bring us all together. We'd all raise the baby and love it to death, that's for sure. So maybe this could all work out. "I know you and the guys will help, I mean have you seen Balz and kids, he's like a miracle worker."

"How will they help if you don't even tell them?"

"I'll figure it out." I pushed my hair out of my face and sighed, thinking over all the possible ways to tell the guys that I got Samantha pregnant, in my head.

"You should tell them." There was a long pause. "Now... I mean, you should tell them now." Ricky pushed me back inside, where I nearly stumbled over the doorstep and almost fell into Samantha who was eyeing Ricky cautiously.

"We should tell them." I whispered in her ear. Samantha looked at me like I have just completely lost my mind, which I may have.

"No, are you insane!" The room went dead silent in that moment that I could almost hear crickets outside. "We can't tell them."

"Tell us what?" Josh but into our conversation.

"It's now or never, snowflake." I whispered into her ear with a smirk.

"I-um..." She started awkwardly, catching all the guys attention as they stared at her, but she couldn't continue. They turned there attention back to the tv. I took Samantha's hand in mine and squeezed it gently for reassurance. "I'm pregnant."

They all whipped around at once.

So, guys, what do you think their reactions will be?


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