Who says showering is just for washing your body?

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(A/N: oh my god that title sounds creepy lol but oh well, enjoy!)

*Ryan's POV*

        His lips, That's all i could think about. Ricky's lips were beginning to be on my mind 24/7. And the way they looked when he was pouting, ugh they looked so kissable. I don't know what has gotten into me. I've never really been into boys all that much. Sure, i know I'm bi because i know i used to have  a crush on Balz when i first joined Motionless In White, but i quickly got over that and now we're really close friends. But other than that, i never really had feelings for another guy, that i knew of at least. Every once in a while i'l feel attracted to another guy, but that's only physically. Physically i'd think the guy was cute, but it never got more than that, i never felt anything emotional. But maybe that's because i never got to know the guy. Ricky, that's a whole other story. I know him very well, well at least i thought i did. I never had and attraction for I'm, but maybe that's because i didn't think he was gay and i thought he'd never feel the same way towards me. All of my thoughts and mind concoctions were jumbling up in my head and i didn't know what to think. My heart was dragging me towards Ricky but i don't know if what i felt was real. I should just keep things cool for now, you never know, things can change and so can feelings.

        "You're being quiet..." Josh derailed my train of thoughts. I'm not sure if josh knows I'm bi. It wouldn't really bother me if he did, i just didn't want to be the one to tell him. But, oh well, that's a conversation for another day.

        "I'm always quiet..." I said back almost too suspiciously. Josh just went back to texting who-knows-who, then looked back at me, his eyes squinting as if hes trying to use his x ray vision to see if I'm lying. Man, i wish that was possible, that would be awesome!

        "Too quiet." He extended the 'too' for dramatic effect. 

        "Well, duh, nobody plots a murder aloud." Ghost cut in from making a sandwich in the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile at that. C'mon, you have to admit, Ghost does have the perfect timing with these comments. A few moments later, the conversation was dropped, thank god. I could here the soft pattering of the shower turning on and the water running against the bathtub. Who was taking a shower? 

        "is it just me, or do you hear the shower?" I looked around cautiously.

        "Yeah, Ricky said he was going to take a shower while Chris was gone. He seems to be doing better with Samantha, Chris, we might actually be able to trust him on his own now." Ghost finished his sandwich and came in to join us in the living room. I couldn't help but think of Ricky in the shower. Oh my god, this has gone too far. No it hasn't, i cant help what i felt for him. I quickly checked my pockets for my phone to distract myself from those thoughts, but found that it wasnt there. Shit.

        "Shit i left my phone in there!" I jumped up from my comfortable seat and ran for the bathroom. Maybe he wasn't in the shower yet. I creaked the door open slightly and heard him singing (beautifully, of course), so that meant that he was already in the shower. Maybe if i snuck in there quickly, he wouldn't see me and i wouldn't see him.  I slipped the door open a bit more, and to my unfortunate, it creaked like a door in a haunted mansion. "Fuck." I whispered. Hopefully he didn't hear it. But his singing stopped and i heard  him moving around slightly. 

        "Who's there?" He asked over the sound of the heavy stream of water coming from the shower. Its now or never.  I ran into the bathroom and searched frantically for my phone, but instead my eyes found The faint outline of Ricky in the shower.

        "retreat. retreat." I close my eyes quickly and tried to feel my way out of the bathroom.  

        "Ryan?" He peeked out from the shower curtain and i could see his eyes go wide, but i didn't care because my heart was beating like a jack rabbit. I fumbled over my words as i tried to put together an actual sentence that made sense besides 'wow, you look hot.'. But, of course, nothing came to mind and i just stood there like an idiot. "What are you doing in here?" He didn't seem to mind my presence at all, but i was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. Not that i didn't enjoy seeing Ricky without any clothes on, or anything. 

          "I- uh- i..." I started to speak but still was at a loss for words. "I'm sorry." I freaked out but my body was motionless and my muscles were tense, forbidding me to move from my spot. Ricky's soft smile set my nerves at ease. His eyes wandered down my body but i refused to take my eyes off of his. I didn't trust myself to look around. 

        His eyes landed on one spot and his smirk grew evilly. "Woah, someones happy to see me." He said slyly. I swallowed hard then looked down reluctantly to see what he was talking about. Sure enough, my once loose fitting pants had become tight from my rock hard boner.


Sorry this chapter was short, but i have to keep you guys in anticipation with this sitkolson love story part lol. 

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