Dates are for the Remembered

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(A/N: sorry its going like back and forth between POV and conflicts, but ya know, that's how its going to be...)

*Chris's POV*

         "I do remember you..." Samantha insisted. She did remember me, or at least that's what shes claiming. I don't believe it one bit, but who can really tell?

        "I don't believe you." Her face looked anguished that i was being so stubborn, but what did you expect? I wasn't going to believe her just because she said so. Its like a robber telling a police officer that they didn't steal the money, and expecting the cop to believe him. Not in any world would that work. Not even slightly.

        "Please." She begged, almost on her knees to get me to take her word for it. "Trust me..." How could i? This was just getting me more pissed than i already was and i don't think that would be a good appearance around Janice either. I felt my blood heating up and i wanted to get out of there. No matter how much i wanted Samantha and my body ached for her, my brain would always pull me away because it knew she was bad for me. 

        I held my hand out to help Janice up from her seated position and pulled her to her feet, a confused expression plastered on her face, as well as samantha's. "Lets go inside." The snippiness in my voice was almost palpable. The doorknob felt cold against my burning hand and my body was just telling me to flee away like a rat. Janice tugged back against my hand in questioning, but i continued to lead her back into my apartment and left Samantha out side.  "Chris, whats going on?" Her eyes were bright but shaded by the sudden change in environments.

        "Nothing's wrong" I answered back quickly. She just looked at me for a second and then went into the kitchen, probably to fetch something to eat.

        "I'm going to go walk around town while you deal with your little lady friend outside." she giggled at the word 'lady friend' and headed once again out the door. She wanted to get out of this awkward situation just as much as i did.  Great, so now i was left alone to either sit her awkwardly while she stands outside, or be a fucking man and talk to her. I was kind of leaning towards the first option, but i didn't want to be rude. Ugh.

        So, i went outside and faced my fears.  I'm not exactly sure what i was scared of, but sure enough it was terrifying. Maybe it was the idea of being rejected again or forgotten once more. "I'm sorry." I choked out the apology to an unexpecting Samantha. She just nodded slightly, seeming to be at a loss of words that i actually came back out. But trust me, i didn't want to. Yeah, maybe i was being a bit cowardice for avoiding her, but shut up. 

        "um..." She stuttered into the silence. 

        "Do you really remember me?" i asked. Sure that was very straight forward, but i needed to know. It wasn't fair that i was treating her so harshly, after all, it wasn't her fault that she got hit by a car and forgot me completely. Sure, it hurt a lot, but still. Samantha nodded and looked me directly in my dark eyes. I felt my heart flutter and i willed it to stop, but she just makes my heart beat a million times faster. Oh my god, Chris, stop. "What happened with you and Austin/" She looked muddled for a second as her eyes dropped to the ground and made my heart sink a little. "Like... are you still together?" I asked uncomfortably. I didn't want to come across too creepy with the question, but no matter how you asked it, you sounded creepy and jealous. She smiled, her cheeks becoming a light rosy color and her eyes widening a bit.

        "No, we decided to take a break until i got things all figured out." i couldn't keep the grin off my face. I guess i kind of was warming back up to Samantha and i didn't mind it that much. "What are you smiling about?" she chuckled and once again, her eyes fell upon me.  

        "I was just wondering if you..." I looked away in habit, while scuffing my shoe against the rough cement and scratched the back of my neck. Jeez, when had i become so nervous? Just get on with it! "Would go on a date with me... maybe jst one date..." I smiled childishly as i awaited her answer. Of course, she stood there in shock. Normally, i wouldn't even have thought about asking her out on this date, but i had just got to thinking that maybe i owed her this for being such an asshole lately. "Ya know, for me being a jerk and all..." 

         She smirked suspiciously and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my already bright red cheeks. "Of course."

        Holy shit.

*Later that evening*

        "Where are you going fancy pants?" Ghost playfully bantered as he watched me from the door of the bathroom.

        "On a date if you must know... Now quick, make up or no make up?" I turned to him so he could assess me, then give me an answer. Ghost looked me up and down, his eyes wandering from my suit pants all the way up to my pale face and my contrastingly dark hair.

        "Make up, definitely." He observed me as i smeared the cloudy eye shadow onto my eyes. Yeah, i definitely look amazing in make up, no doubt about that. I could feel Ghost's eyes criticizing my reflection in the mirror. "Make it darker." He suggested, and of course i did. I mean, ghost was probably the most talented with make up out of us all, after all he could transform himself into a girl if he wanted to.

        "okay, mini make up artist." I joked and finished up my look, checking myself over once more in the mirror in front of me. Time for my date.

        The drive to the restaurant felt like it was going to never end and my stomach was being tied in knots. The stars looked extremely bright tonight for some reason and i just couldnt wait to be at the restaurant. To think that this is my actual first date with Samantha...

        Finally, i was there and i had gotten the table, now was just the agonizing wait. My heart nearly exploded in anticipation every time someone walked into the fancy restaurant. But finally, she had arrived and looked more gorgeous than ever in her slim, short red dress. "Oh my god." i said aloud as she walked up to the table. 

         This date had gone well so far, the conversations weren't awkward nor short, they just seemed to go on and on forever and we both enjoyed them. "Why did you really, ya know, break up with Austin?" I blurted out at random. 

        "it wasn't working out, but i don't know, we might get back together." Samantha looked down at her food that she had hardly been eating. I hadnt realized that the whole time she was just pushing her food around her plate uncomfortably. Maybe she had already eaten. Or maybe she just wasn't hungry. I hadnt been eating much either, but i havent been eating a lot latey at all. Ghost had caught onto that, but i had always been preoccupied or stressed out which caused my lack of hunger, whats her excuse?

        "Are you okay?" I asked cautiously, not trying to make her feel awkward or anything. Usually when you comment on a girls eating habits, they either freak out and end up smacking you, or become shy and insecure. I didnt want either of those.

        "I'm fine." She faked a pretty little smile then went back to circling her food around her full plate. I knew she was lying. We all know that 'im fine' really means that theyre either hiding something or need help. And thats what i intended to give her. I know how hard and lonely it is to be alone, and i didnt want her to feel that way, or anyone for that matter. Samantha is my friend, whether i want to admit that or not, and if she is in pain or feeling some kind of terrible emotion, i wanted to be there to help her. 

        "Please dont lie to me.." I felt my eyes go soft and i reached across the table to hold her hand for support, and besides, ive been dying to hold her hand and kiss her ever since i met her. Whether she felt the same way, was a mystery.         

        "Chris..." She pulled her hand away from mine and i immediately felt a mixture of anger and worry. I was dreading her next words, but at the same time, they couldn't come fast enough. 

        "What is it?" My mind was swirling with crazy thoughts and 'what if's' that i thought i was going to go mad.

        "i dont remember you." She whispered.

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