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(A/N: I feel bad for making this sequel because I feel like it is so anticlimactic compared to the first book so I'm sorry but I won't abandon this story ENJOY)

*Chris's POV*
              I awoke with an empty feeling encompassing me. Samantha wasn't in my arms, a lot of people weren't here actually, but I specifically yearned for her presence. I groaned, trying to wipe the exhaustion from my crusted eyes as I listened to the sickening moaning coming from my stomach. When was the last time I ate?

           "You should really eat something." A soft voice came from in the kitchen. My gut twisted in loathing irritation. I crept off of the couch with one thing in mind, "get out of here before you lose it." I felt like a wild animal being cornered in their own enclosure. I felt attacked. I tried to think about what Mr. Way would say but his words escaped me. "Stay calm." He'd probably say. "He's not worth your time." But he was. He could have knocked up my girlfriend and what did he expect? Me to just sit there and accept it? No. 

             "You're getting too skinny, Chris." He still avoided my eye contact, Josh. I knew he meant well but my mind was not in the right place. 

               "Where's Ricky?"

               "Out with Ryan, on a date or something." Josh finally dared to look at me and I couldn't hold his gaze. "Here." He held a banana out to me but I ignored it. 

                "Where's Samantha?" I paced around nervously. I can't flip out on josh, he was my friend! Or so I thought.

                "At a doctors appointment for a sonogram, with Janice I think." He frowned. "Can we talk?" My heart was a jackhammer in my ribcage, giving me the chills and nervous jitters. 

               "No." My jaw was clenched like a vice. You can't hide from your problems forever, Chris. I could hear Mr. Way's voice ringing in my blood-pounding ears. There was no way in hell i was going back to that insane asylum. Face your fears, Chris. Josh is your friend, i'm sure things will be fine. I couldn't help but thinking that my life would just be so much better if i'd never met Samantha, if she'd never came traipsing through my life and hitting me in the gut like a wrecking ball. I would have never fallen in love, i would have never gotten my heart ripped out when she forgot me, and i would never have to deal with figuring out if this baby was mine or one of my best friend's. 

               "It's not my baby." My breath caught in my throat instinctively.

                "What?" I felt glitchy, like i hadn't quite heard him correctly, like i wasn't really awake. My bare feet stuck slightly to the sticky linoleum flooring in my kitchen. I had been a little preoccupied to even make an attempt at cleaning. 

                 "I mean the baby might be mine genetically because i was a fucking idiot when I was drunk and Samantha was in a bad state of mind... But that baby is yours." I took the mostly ripe banana from where 'josh had placed it on the plastic countertop as a sort of peace offering. "you'd be a better father than me anyways." i smiled a little a bit and took a small bite f the sweet fruit. Boy, was i hungry. 

               "i'm sure the baby is fine." Janice rolled her eyes as she walked into the apartment with Samantha right behind her. Samantha had a small smile on her lips but it dropped when she saw Josh and I in the same room together. 

                "You two...?" She started.

                 "We're fine, don't worry." I assured, and i actually believed it. 

                  "Hmm,well i'm glad to hear that..." She came up behind me from where i rested my elbows on the countertop, still chewing on the last of the banana, and hugged me with her head against my back.  "Mister Cerulli."

                 I couldn;t help the smile that formed instantaneously on my lips. She was so cute. "Oh wait," She said. "That's not your name."

                 "Wait, you remember that?" I spun around so fast that i nearly lost my balance. "Yiu remember me back then?"

                 "Yeah, well i guess you're kinda hard to forget." Her smile was precious.


I haven't updated in a while but i thought this sequel was a let down to you guys... but what do you think about that parallel to the first story oh damn im good

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