cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater

842 35 13

*Chris's POV*

        I turned around with a grin plastered on my face. I didn't feel emotionless anymore, i felt good for once. I got to Ricky's car, hopping in the passenger seat and then we were heading home again. At first he didn't say much, only glanced at me occasionally, but that was all. He was smiling too, though. What had gotten him so happy? The screen of his phone lit up a few moments later with a text message. Of course, i had to be sneaky and glance at it to see the preview of the message on his lock screen.  'Hurry back, babe.' it read. Well that's odd. I looked up a little to see that it was... Ryan.

        "Oh my god!" i burst out into laughter that was probably more from shock that they're actually dating, over it being funny. He glanced at me then back at the road. Ricky probably didn't realize i had read his message, but i was going to play it cool, well, as cool as i could. 

        "What's wrong?" He looked confused and not even a little suspicious. I was still giggling in my seat, but i was trying to conceal it to the best of my ability. 

        "Nothing." i said through fits of chuckles.

        "You're a bad liar... Tell me..." Now he got nervous, his fingers tensing around the steering wheel. His reaction is going to be hilarious.

        "hurry back, babe." I mocked, still unable to control my snickering. His mouth dropped then he glared at me. I could have sworn he was going to pull the car over and kick me out, but luckily, he didn't. But, i could feel his eyes staring into my soul every once in a while. I couldn't stop just there, though. As a friend, i mean, it was my duty to make fun of him at wits end. "I don't think you're going fast enough for your lover boy." 

        "Don't make me kick you out of the moving car." That made me stop. Although, i loved making fun of Ricky in a friendly way, id rather not get road rash all over my body. That didn't sound too pleasant, if you asked me. Sooner or later, we reached my apartment again. I was still in my suit, so i looked like i had, but my make up at worn down a little. I must have been rubbing my eyes without realizing, but that's just out of habit. We got out of the car and i avoided Ricky's look as he continued to stare at me, daring me to say one more thing. I had to admit, i was a little scared, but entertained too.

        Inside, of course we found all the guys fighting over a video game. "No, I won!" Ghost screamed at someone who was sitting to the right of him. I stepped in further and found Janice sitting with a controller clutched in her hand, smirking widely at Ghost.

        "Oh really, then what does it say right there?" She said snippily but jokingly as she pointed to the screen that clearly said she won. Too bad, who's next?" She seemed to be really good with these video games. Im impressed. I've never seen a girl play this well at my video games before,and beat Ghost, but i guess the real test will be if she can beat me. I took a seat next to her and smirked.

        "My turn" I snatched the controller from Ghost and clicked start on the game. I've played this game many times, so I'm sure to be good with it. Plus, i've got  a few tricks up my sleeve. Sure, its Mario karts, but winning is my thing. At first, i played it off like i was just an average gamer, then little by little i took it up a notch. I crashed my kart into hers which threw her off the course for a second, then she speedily caught back up to me. Now, for the real show. We were almost at the finish line. Neck and Neck. I inched forward, just ahead of her and before either of us crossed the finish line, i pressed a pattern of specific button that glitched the game and sent her back to the beginning, but left my character alone. That was it I won. 

        "I won! I won" I chanted and threw the remote onto the couch in victory. Janice glared daggers at me, i could feel them lasering through my soul, but i reflected them with my wicked smile. "Sorry, Princess, maybe you'll win next time." She got up from the couch and sat right on top of my stomach, sending the air straight out of my lungs. "Agh!"

        "That's what you get for cheating." She bounced up and down on my stomach so i couldn't catch my breath. She wasn't that heavy but i pretended she was so i could do this...

        I snatched her up from above me and she screeched. I slung her small body over my shoulder and stood p from the couch. 

        "Let me go!!!!!" She tried hitting me , but she was too weak.

        "Not until you admit i won fair and square." I black mailed her. She hit me even harder on my back, but do you really think i gave in that easily? hell, no!

        "No, you cheated!" Too bad she was as stubborn as a bull too. I spun her around quickly and heard her scream. "Stop!!!" She started giggling. "I'm getting dizzy" I continued spinning just to piss her off. I spun her faster and faster until i couldn't spin her any quicker. "Fine, i'll just throw on you." That was enough for me.

        Thump. I dropped her like a sack of potatoes. I cringed at the sound and looked behind me guilty. "Whoops." I chuckled and reached my hand down to help her up. Instead of taking it to pull herself to her feet, she yanked me down violently and i landed on top of her. We were both giggling. "I still won!" i gloated and messed up her hair, because i knew she'd freak out.

        "Eek!" She slapped my hand away and tried to fix it, unsuccessfully. "you ass" She glared, but i fixed that with a quick kiss on her lips. I didn't let it linger, because i didn't exactly expect myself to do that. But i liked it, and she didn't seem to be bothered to much. "Well then..." She giggled. 

        Although this may have been innocent, it made me all too confused. I felt something for Samantha (obviously), but also for Janice now...


Nice and fluffy chapter lol sorry i haven't updated as quickly as i usually do... but i hope you enjoyed it anyways!

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