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*Chris's POV*

        She needed to get out of here. I didn't want to talk to her nor hear what she had to say. What  could she possibly want from me? The only thing she could do now was rip my heart into even tinier pieces. There was no way Samantha could piece it back together.

        "Chris, please talk to me." She pleaded from the other side of my door. No, I'm not talking to you until you remember me. I wanted to say, but that would sound harsh, but that was what i was right now. I was harsh but i had the right to be. She couldn't remember me so I wouldn't talk to her. It seemed fair enough, right? I kicked the door in response because i didn't trust my voice enough to talk to her. It would probably come out all shaky and weak. Or, worse, id forgive her. "I don't understand why you're mad at me." She's gotta be fucking kidding me. She doesn't understand? How about i don't understand how she could be so heartless and forget me completely. She was placing all the blame on me, when it was absolutely positively not my fault whatsoever. So the childish part of my took over and i began to blast my music to drown out her pointless speaking. Yeah, i know it was kid-like to do that but i didn't want to hear anything from her anymore. I didn't think it was possible for someone that i loved so much to make me this infuriated, but somehow it happened.  " Real mature, Chris." i heard the sarcasm leaking from her voice. Okay, that was it.

        "Real mature of you to forget me! Don't tell me whats fucking mature!" I screamed over my music. Yeah, i can be pretty scary when i scream too, partially because in my band i was a screamer, and other partially because it sounded like a demon growl. Not complaining though, it sounded pretty awesome in songs.

         "Don't you understand?! It's not my fault that i forgot you!" She sounded to infuriated that i was being so thick-skulled. I wasn't going to hear her out, i was just too stubborn. I slammed my fist against the door and i heard her gasp. I'm scaring her and i didn't mean too. I was just a big monster. A huge, cold-hearted Freak that nobody wanted to be around. "Please open the door." She begged softly.

        "Get out of my house." I growled. It was silent on the opposite side of the door and for a second i actually thought she left but then I heard her sniffle. She must've been fake crying. Samantha had no emotion towards me and that's how it would stay. She was with Austin. She loved Austin. And i was just here sobbing in my room. This isn't how i wanted my life to turn out but isn't it funny how plans change so instantly?  "Get out." I repeated just as stridulously.  I leaned my pounding head against the door that i had barricaded and let my body become numb and in a comatose until I didn't feel anything at all. 

        I don't know how long i sat like this but time wasn't a factor anymore. I felt my stomach rumble at me and i couldn't remember the last time I ate, or how long ago it was. My eyes flickered to the small electric clock that perched on my desk . The digital red lights blinked numbers that must've been the time. My vision had become blurry with tears that i had shed and the time was unreadable. I dragged my heavy hands up to my eyes to rub away the blurs that i saw. '4:38 AM' The clock read. I had sat here for that long? It had felt like only a matter of seconds, when really it had been hours. Samantha had come around 7:25 PM yesterday. and its now four thirty in the morning. Nine Hours. I pushed away the dresser i maneuvered in front of my door to block it from opening yesterday, and shifted it back into place. I wasn't going to eat though, no matter how loud my stomach growled. I peaked out into the darkness of my apartment and could see absolutely nothing, but that was expected. Tip-toeing out of my cluttered room and into the open space, i tried my best not to stumble over furniture and cause more ruckus.  I flicked on my phone for its light and scanned the room. As usual, All the guys were there. They always stayed the night because usually i couldn't sleep because of stupid things like nightmares or i was just kept up by the noises of the night that disturbed me. They wanted to make sure i was okay, but to be honest, i wasn't. I would never be okay. Matter of fact. I never was okay. 

        I staggered my way nervously into my kitchen to find that the refrigerator light was on and a small figure was standing in front of it peering in at the food.  It was short, so it was either Ricky or Ryan.  The refrigerator shut, and the illumination of the person disappeared. I apprehensively moved forward slight. My breath had become shaky when i realized that I saw Ricky and Ryan curled up on my couch just a second ago. so it couldn't be them...

        There was only two people left that i knew to suspect and i could rule them both out. It couldn't be Balz or Ghost. One, Ghost is the heaviest sleeper in the world and i could hear him snoring from my living room. And two, Balz is so heavy footed that you could hear him from a mile away. No joke. So, who could this person be? 

        I swiftly snatched a knife from the kitchen counter and held it out in defense then flicked on the light, to be blinded for a second then my eyes settled on one person...


wow, this was a really quick update and sorry it was kinda short but.......So what do you guys think about Chris's reaction to Samantha? And who do you guys think the intruder is? 

Thanks for reading this sequel, by the way, and i hope you enjoy it! Follow, comment, and vote :) 

You Were Supposed to Save Me - Chris Motionless SequelWhere stories live. Discover now