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(A/N: I'm updating as per request so ENJOY)

*Samantha's POV*

            Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I'm a bitch. How dare I? Chris deserves better? Why wouldn't I just say 'yes' after all of this? 

           I just didn't want to get his hopes up if this baby isn't actually his. I hoped so dearly that it was his and I really believe it is, but how can I be sure? I said 'no' because I knew it would kill him if this is really Josh's baby. I would dread the look in his eyes just before he would never look at me again. So don't judge me too harshly because every thing I did was for Chris.

        "Sam, the point of my daily 'talk and walk' is to actually talk, not just mope around while following me." Ghost rolled his eyes playfully, noticing my mind in another place. "As I was saying, I don't know if I should go for the dark red lipstick tomorrow or the classic black? I mean I look good in both so it's not like it matters." I only barely paid attention to him, my brain wandering anywhere but in the present. 

         I couldn't stop thinking about the smile dropping from Chris's lips when I told him 'no'. I just wish he knew that when I said 'no' i meant 'not right now' not 'never'. I loved him with all my heart, but I just wanted to be sure. 

        "Samanthaaaa." Ghost whined, stopping dead in his tracks where I ran into him with a thud.

         "Agh! why'd you stop?" I scrunched my eyebrows together at him.

        "Because you're not even listening to me! What is distracting you so much?" He held his hands on his hips.

         "Nothing," I looked at my feet and shrugged. "Just that I told him 'no' when he asked me to marry him," I mumbled.

         "Woah, Woah, Woah." Ghost made dramatic hand gestures. "You did what? He did what?" He led me over to a park bench that wasn't too far away so we could sit and chat since I wasn't really up for the walk. "Tell me everything."

           "Well, I don't know..." I began. "We were just talking and all of a sudden he was down on one knee asking me to marry him."

          "And you said no?" He pondered. I just nodded. "Why?"

          "I don't know, it's just this whole baby thing is getting to me. I just want to know who the real father is first before I decide to marry anyone. " I fiddled with the rubber band on my wrist. 

*Chris's POV*

        "And she said no!"  I raked my fingers through the short hair that I had left on my head as I paced back and forth impatiently in front of Ryan and Ricky who were sitting contently on the sofa. 

         "Why would she say no?" Both Ryan and Ricky looked at each other, a mutually confused look on either of their faces. 

          "How the hell would I know?!" To say that I was freaking out was an understatement. My heart was nearly leaping out of my chest and my anxiety had risen through the roof. 

          "Well, you didn't ask her?" Ryan asked.  

          "No? After she said 'no' I just wanted to get the hell out of there." I finally sat down but tapped my foot nervously instead. "Maybe she just doesn't love me like I thought."        

          "Psh." Ricky scoffed. "Have you seen the way she looks at you? She's so madly in love with you it's almost child-like... Maybe she's just not ready to get married yet."

             "Or maybe it's the hormones... like the pregnancy hormones or whatever, I don't really know how those things work." Ryan shrugged. Ricky grinned and giggled, shaking his head before resting it on Ryan's chest happily. Oh, how I wish I were them. 

               "Yeah, maybe." My thoughts were interrupted by my front door creaking open. I stood up immediately as Ghost and Samantha stepped through. Samantha's eyes were wide as she stood frozen in her place like she didn't know whether to wait for me to talk or to run away. 

            "Chris..." There was a long pause. I approached her cautiously. "I-i'm Sorry I just... I don't"

             "Shh..." I interrupted her. "Its okay." I wrapped my arms tightly around her and rested my chin on her soft hair before sighing.

             "AWwwwww." Ricky and Ryan chuckled from the couch before I flipped them off.


Sorry if this update was lame BUT... who do you think is the baby daddy? Why? 

please comment any suggestions, feedback, reactions, predictions, general concerns!

50 reads, 5 votes, or 3 comments= i update.


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