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*Ricky's POV*

        I had to get away from everyone. I needed alone time and that's what i got... until it got way too cold out there for me to stay outside. I had no choice but to go back inside eventually. Id rather go back in later rather than sooner, but I'm afraid my limbs would freeze off completely. And that's not exactly a good thing... Or a relatively good thing, for that matter.

       I reluctantly put out my cigarette and walked back inside slowly, trying to avoid everyone and everything. I made a plan: Id just go back inside as quickly as possible, being careful not to be seen by anyone, and then lock myself in the bathroom for the rest of my life. That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? I thought it did. But no, i had to get stopped by literally every one. First Chris, which didn't bother me that much, then Ghost who had just walked outside to talk to Chris and Samantha. Wait, why is Samantha here? Oh well, i still needed to stick to my plan. I steered clear of Ghost as i pushed my way into Chris's apartment. Ghost just gave me a weird look but didn't stop me again, which i was thankful for. Now came the hard part...

        I had to get past Balz and Ryan without being seen or talked about. It felt like some weird video game, except the stakes were so much higher, and i only got one chance, not the ten lives they'd give you in a video game. One shot, and here i go. I tiptoed into the apartment and looked around for any signs of Ryan or Balz, but none of them were in sight. So far so good. i stealthily  crept over to the bathroom to hide, and just as I got to the door, my hand on the doorknob, someone tapped me lightly on the shoulder. So close.

        I peeked over my shoulder apprehensively and cringed when i saw who it was. "What are you doing?" Balz asked. He wasn't going to ruin my plan. So, without answering him, i swiftly turned the door knob and scurried into the bathroom like a mouse and locked it behind me. Finally some privacy. "Way to be a man, Ricky." Josh chuckled from just outside the door. I glared at him, but of course he couldn't see me because i had confined myself into the small bathroom in Chris's apartment. If only i had laser vision and could shoot laser beams from my eyes. I mean that would be pretty damn awesome, but it could help me in situations like these, no matter how brutal that sounds. It was quiet for a few moments, and once i didn't hear anything for a few moments, i relaxed my tense muscles. It felt good to just be away from everyone and sort things out on my own. But of course that didn't happened. My mind had drifted to Ryan again and how he'd hate me if he ever found out, but another part of me thought that he might understand. And i was hoping for the second option, because i couldn't stand being without him. not only because hes in the band, but because he's also my friend, and i didn't want to lose him as a friend, or something more. I leaned my head against the hard wall and let my eyes flutter shut. I wasn't tired, but at the same time, my body felt exhausted. I thought all of this drama would end when i left high school. I guess not. Life is full of drama, but without it, life would be boring and meaningless. 

        "Are you okay?" I snapped my eyes open when i heard a familiar friendly voice. And when my eyes landed on a figure standing in the door way, my heart both leapt and sank at the same time. Ryan was looking at me from the other side of the bathroom, just inside the door frame.  Fuck.

        I held my breath on instinct and scuttled back against the wall, until i was practically pushed up against it. Ryan sighed, his soft features were full of sympathy, but i didn't understand why. He stepped forward a little, but i scampered away further until there was no where else for me to go. How did he even get in here, i locked the door! Shit, i forgot how easy it was to pick the locks in this place. "Leave me alone" I murmured light-heartedly because i didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything like that.

        "Please don't hide from me." That's it, i was melting like a Popsicle that had been left in the hot summer sun. I stiffened in place, my eyes going wide as he stepped closer to me again, and then even closer after that.  "Why are you in here anyways?"

        "Hiding from you." I buried my head into my knees as i pulled them to my chest and held them there defensively.  

        "Why?" He squatted down just in front of me.

        "I'm not telling you..." I pouted like a child. A cute child. 

        "Is it because of this?"  I looked up at him as he showed me the dreaded picture of me and him on the couch together. Except this time it was on twitter with the hashtag underneath it '#sitkolson' . How'd it get there? 

        "Chris." I growled. It only could have been him that had put it on the internet and now here it is being reposted and talked about all over the world. 

        "Apparently our fans 'ship' Sitkolson" He giggled slightly because of how stupid he sounded. "Whatever 'ship' means."

        They really ship us? I mean, of course we look absolutely adorable together, at least he did. But i still couldn't believe it. And the fact that i didn't believe most was that he wasn't freaking out. Not even an ounce of anger or shock boiled in him. He seemed absolutely okay with it, which surprised me beyond belief.

        "So you're not angry with me?" I shyd away, afraid of his answer.

        "why would i be angry?" He looked confused.

        "Because i didn't tell you that i was gay and now this picture going around. I'm sorry i didn't mean to do any of that! it was all an accident i promise..." I started to get flustered and babble on about who knows what. He just smiled and took my hand in his, which made eyes grow impossibly wide and my heart beat even faster than it was right now. 

        "Calm down, its fine." His smile grew wider and caused me to smile. His dark eyes set on my pale ones and i felt like i might have past out, but i kept consciousness some how. He was just so... whats the word? Perfect.

        "You promise you're not mad?" I pulled myself off the wall slightly so i could see the honesty in his eyes clearly.

        "It would be kind of hypocritical to be mad at you..."

         Wait, what? Did he just say what i think he just said? No, it cant be. I must've heard him wrong, or maybe i just made up that whole thing in my head. Or maybe he just didn't mean it that way. But what if he did? I was too nervous to ask. Because if i was wrong then id feel so stupid. But i couldn't just leave this idea in my brain, id go absolutely mad! 

        "You're gay?" I blurted out then covered my mouth instantly. Maybe he didn't hear that. Nope he definitely did hear me. God damn.

        "No, I'm not gay." He chuckled. What was so funny? "I'm Bi." He finished with an almost serious face.

        Maybe we did have a chance after all.



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