I'll make you remember me.

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(A/N: for those of you who may have forgotten, Samantha and Chris were on their first date... i wont tell you anymore...)

*Samantha's POV*

        "I don't remember you..." I whispered. I didn't want it to come to this. I didn't want Chris to find out. But, i felt so guilty! I couldn't just let him think i knew exactly who he was when i didn't have the faintest recognition of him. "I'm sorry." i murmured under my breath. I could not take this guilty feeling that was gurgling deep in my stomach and spreading throughout my body. It felt like there was acid running through my veins and eating me from the inside out. But i think his reaction was a lot worse than this feeling.

        "What?" I could feel his heart shatter through his voice. I've never heard him so vulnerable and shaky. He took me on this date thinking that we could be at least friends again because of the way he was acting. He thought he was the monster, but in reality, it was me who was the monster. I was the one who didn't remember him. I was the one who let him take me on this date. I was the one who crushed his already broken heart into a million more pieces. But he was the one who was getting hurt. "You're lying." I could tell that he knew i was not lying, jut didn't want to admit it to himself. 

        "I didn't want you to hate me." I felt my voice shake, just as Chris's just had. He sighed and pulled his hand away from mine like i had a contagious disease or something. I felt disgusted with myself.

        "Too late." His face twisted from sad and heart broken to angry and ferocious.  The chair screeched shriekingly as Chris stood up from the table and looked me dead in the eye. It made my heart wrench, the disgust and hatred that he had for me at this very moment that radiated through his eyes. Then he pulled his eyes away from mine and left me there, heart sore and hating myself.  I was left all alone, and i didn't blame him for leaving. All of this was my fault. 

*Chris's POV*

        I had to get out of there before i had the urge to burst into tears. Or worse, before i went numb again and those pills hidden in my room looked appetizing.  I sped out of the restaurant, feeling my face heat up from my mind being flustered. I knew she didn't know me, but i just had to convince myself that she did. But obviously, that was a mistake. I sat outside on the curb, my face warm but my body cold and numb. At least i looked good in my suit. But it was all for nothing. I picked out my cellphone from my pants pocket and glanced over the screen to see like five missed calls and a few text messages from the guys, and Janice (which i didn't expect at all).

        Some of the texts were like, 'how's the date going?' Horrible. Or, 'Have a good time.' I wont.

        I would say that my heart was beating a million times a second, but i couldn't tell to be honest. I didn't even know if it was beating at all. I wish it wasn't. I wish i was dead. I wish i wasn't so easily persuaded. I wish i hadn't asked her on this date. I wish i never met Samantha. 

        And of course she wasn't going to come after me when i stormed off. I didn't blame her though, because when I'm angry, you don't want to bother me. I wouldn't want to bother me either when I'm in a state like this. I felt so betrayed.  "Stupid." I murmured to myself, because there was no other way to describe what i felt or how this whole situation seemed to me. I typed in my dreaded password and dialed one number that i knew by heart. Ricky's.

        "Hello?" He answered after a couple of rings. I couldn't muster up any words to stay to him. What was i supposed to stay? I'm stupid, and i believed her. "Chris, you there?" He asked in honest concern. That's a first.

        I breathed heavily and tried to compose my shaking body. "Can you pick me up?" My voice still trembled and my body felt so weak. A tear slipped down my cheek and i didn't even have the energy to wipe it away. The feeling in my stomach was so terrible that it felt like i was going to vomit or just pass out completely. 

        "Of course, should i even ask what happened?"  He asked calmly. I shook my head 'no' but realized he couldn't see me so i reluctantly spoke up.

        "no." I whined and after a few moments he hung up and so did i. I sat on the cold, concrete curb, not moving nor feeling anything. I just wanted to get out of there that instant and Ricky couldn't come quick enough for my liking. My breathing was rapid and shaky, there was no way for me to calm it down either. The silent sobs became harsh and hurt my throat beyond explanation. 

        I'm not sure how long i have sat there but i was shaken out of my cloudy delirium when i felt a presence sitting at my side. I figured it was Ricky so i opened my eyes and relaxed. I dropped my guard when i shouldn't have because it wasn't Ricky who was sitting at my side, it was Samantha. Immediately i was repulsed by her presence and retracted away from her. "Get away!" I hissed and scuttled away from her. 

        She didn't say anything, just sat there and watched me cautiously. Thank goodness, Ricky came just seconds later.  He arrived slowly and i could tell that he was apprehensive that Samantha was there too and i was hissing at her.

        He rolled open the window and looked at me cautiously. "You alright?" Ricky questioned and bit his lip ring gently. I nodded hollowly and got up to get in the car and go. But of course i was stopped by Samantha's hand around my wrist. I seethed at her, my eyes sharp and dangerous. 

        "Don't touch me." I snarled, not caring how rude or cruel i sounded.

        "Please, forgive me." Her voice was pleading but that just egged on my anger. I  lifted my hand as if i were about to hit her, but of course i didn't. Id never hit a girl. And i don't think id ever bring myself to hitting Samantha. There was always a part of me that loved her and wanted to care for her when she was hurt, whether i was the one to hurt her or not. I relaxed my hand and reached down to help her off the floor. I was still going to leave, but i wanted to at least leave on a semi positive note. Samantha took my hand forthoughtfully and pulled herself to her feet, dusting off her dress carefully then looking up at me with large eyes. 

*Samantha's POV* (quick POV.)

        I watched him warily as he stared back down at me. He had just raised his hand at me but i knew he wasnt going to hit me. I flinched anyways, in memory of Austin hitting me, which was surprisingly one memory i had of Austin, but after that, i didn't remember much. Chris's eyes were dark like a big pool of blackness and a part of me was drawn to it, but i didnt dare move. I was just waiting for Chris to leave with Ricky as he planned but he didnt. He lingered around for a little while longer than he had to. 

        Chris leaned his long body down to mine, so that his lips were near my ear and whispered something to me. His breath was hot on my chilled skin which sent shivers up my mind. I closed my eyes as he whisperd. "I'll make you remember me." Then pressed his lips to mine roughly.


I was going to make this chapter onger and not end it so abruptly, but i changed my mind and i decided to leave it kind of "suspenceful"

Tell me what you think! i was personally waiting for an opputunity for samantha and chris to kiss lol, what about you guys?

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