The Battle

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The next few days before the battle were really hectic. The chief and Sir. Aaron got together to make me a saddle for Darius so that I can ride on his back more comfortably. I also spent a lot of time on Darius's back with my bow so that I can get comfortable flying and doing archery at the same time. At first it was really hard, mainly because Darius is way faster than a horse, but after I figured out how to aim ahead a bit of him, then fire, it became easier. Darius was very patient with me while I was learning and he was always careful not to let me fall off of his back.

Meanwhile back in the village, the villagers were busy learning defense and attack strategies from Sir. Aaron and preparing their huts for injured once the battle was over. It was decided by everyone that all the huts were to be used for injured if needed. We also decided that we would go to the battle field and prepare all sorts of traps for the soldiers we would be fighting, we were hoping that that would even up the playing field a bit more. We came up with several types of pit traps that we hoped would take the soldiers out and we also made some tree traps in the forest that was also very clever. We all decided that the main battle would take place in the field if we could help it, but we would retreat to the trees if necessary so the traps in the trees were really a weapon of last resort.

The morning of the battle, I woke up from under Darius's wing and got up with a stretch. I was not nervous surprisingly. I was confident. "Good morning Darius." I said. Darius stood and stretched as well. He looked like a big cat when he did and that made me smile. "Good morning Maria. Are you ready for today?" Asked Darius. I nodded and looked towards the rising sun. Pink and purple were starting to overtake the blackness that was still in the sky. "Yes I am. I thought I would be more scared, but I am not." I said. "Do not get over confident. We do not know what will happen today." Said Darius. I looked down and took a breath. "We are going to loose people today Darius. I know." I said sadly. "Come. we need to go to the village and make sure everything is ready." Said Darius lowering himself to the ground so that I could get on his back easier. I would normally smile as I got on his back, but the thought of loosing people today took the smile from me.

We got to the village just as the sun started to make an appearance in the sky. It was very beautiful as the sun chased away the blackness of the night. The village was already up and was very busy with everyone making last minute preparations. Darius landed in the village square and I got off his back and walked over to Ben. "Good morning Ben." I said. Ben looked nervous. "Do you really think it is a good morning?" Asked Ben. I shrugged. "The sun is up and shining, and we are going to defeat Einon and his army today. Though I know we are going to loose people today, but I have to believe in us. I really believe that we can do this." I said. Ben nodded in understanding. "So you are nervous too aren't you?" Asked Ben. I smiled a bit. "Uh Yes and no. I may be relatively safe on Darius. So I guess mostly no. If anything I am more worried for you and all of the other villagers." I said. Ben put on a fake smile. "Oh don't worry about me. We are all going to be fine." said Ben. "Don't make promises you can't keep Ben." I said with a fake smile myself.

"Maria! It's time! We need to get ready to go!" Shouted the chief coming out of his hut. I turned from Ben and nodded. "Alright Chief. If you want to get everyone together then we can go. Ben.... Be safe okay." I said turning back to Ben for a moment. Ben nodded and I went to gather my bow and plenty of arrows then I put them on my back and walked towards Darius. Darius had a serious look on his face as I approached. "Are you ready Maria?" Asked Darius. I took a deep breath then slowly let it out. "Yes I am. Ready as I will ever be." I said as Darius lowered himself to the ground and I got on the saddle on his back. Darius stood up as Sir. Aaron moved to the front of the crowd and made a short speech that I really didn't pay attention to, but by the time Sir. Aaron's speech was over, the villagers were all shouting and cheering. I had arranged for some villagers to follow behind the main group and they were to play the horns and drums before and during the battle.

When everyone was ready and the small band started to play, we moved towards the battle field. When the band players hit a certain note, the crowd shouted a victory cry. Darius and I flew ahead and saw Einon and his army also approaching the field. There was no band or anything to give his troops mental support and I smiled. I have heard that having horns and drums on a battlefield actually intimidates the opponents and that was what I was hoping would happen to Einon and his soldiers. When the two armies met on the field, there was absolute silence for a moment. Even the band players had stopped playing. That was when Darius roared and the horn players blew their horns causing the villagers to let out a loud war cry. Einon's army shifted uncomfortably.

After a moment more of silence Einon shouted "Attack!" and he pushed his horse forward towards the villagers. Einon's army was a little slower to respond because the drums joined the horns and the villagers continued to shout war cries. When the armies clashed, all hell broke loose. Screams soon filled the air along with the smell of blood and death. I immediately took my bow and began picking off soldiers from Einon's army. It was hard work, but I was managing it. I didn't want to hit the villagers and that was what was making it hard. Eventually, around noon, Darius and I spotted Einon and Sir. Aaron fighting in the field. Sir. Aaron looked wounded and looked like he was tiring quickly. "Can you hit the king from here?" Asked Darius. "Maybe. I don't want to hit Sir. Aaron though." I said causing Darius to fly closer to the two fighters. Darius had been flying us around behind the army and blowing fire balls from his nostrils causing mini explosions. When I felt confident enough I took a breath and notched an arrow and drew back. "For my family. My village. and all the ones you have taken." I said and I let the arrow fly.


DragonHeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora