Back to the cave

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I finally decided I could trust Darius and stood up. "Alright. So are we going to go back to your cave and just wait for the king and his knights to come find me?" I asked. Darius shook his head. "The king and his knights will not find you. I have said that I will protect you and that is what I will do." said Darius. "Then I guess we better get going." I said standing up. Darius held out his claw. "If I may. It is faster to fly and safer." said Darius. I looked at Darius in shock. "You want me to what?" I asked. "Just let me carry you. I will be gentle." said Darius. I looked at Darius and slowly sat on his claw. "Flying.... with a dragon."I said which caused Darius to chuckle. "If you would like, you can close your eyes." said Darius flapping his giant wings and suddenly we were in the air.

I looked at the ground, then slammed my eyes shut, also grabbing Darius. It did not take long then we were landing at the entrance of Darius's cave. "We are on the ground now little one." said Darius with a chuckle. I slowly opened my eyes and released Darius. I looked around then at Darius. "So. This is my new home now?" I asked. "If you wish it." said Darius. "Can we make some..... improvements?" I asked. "You can build?" asked Darius. I nodded. "I paid attention to what my family did. My father and brothers were the local builders. I couldn't help but pick up on it." I said. "You are indeed a very.... unusual girl." said Darius. I nod. "I have been told that almost all of my life. That's actually why I had no friends. Everyone thought I was weird." I said.

Darius nodded in understanding. "I think it is a good thing. Why be like the others when you can be unique." said Darius. I looked at Darius. "I have never thought of it like that. That actually sounds really good." I said. Darius nodded. "To answer your earlier question though, you can make your improvements. I do not mind." said Darius. "Thank you Darius." I said. "I will help as much as I can. "said Darius. I looked at Darius in wonder. "Can you read minds?" I asked. Darius laughed. "No, but surely you will need help getting wood and doing the heavy lifting." said Darius. "Oh... yeah." I said with a blush of embarrassment. Darius chuckled and went towards the waterfall extending a wing. "Are you coming inside?" asked Darius. I nodded slowly and went under Darius's wing which shielded me from the waterfall. It was dark in the cave, that is until Darius snorted and a fireball hit a pile of old bones lighting up the end of the cave. I looked around and began to think about what I could do with this cave to make it more comfortable for me but not interrupt the way Darius lived.

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