Training the People

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     The first thing we did was to build us some training dummies out of the old straw that no one was using. Sir. Aaron told us that seeing an image would help us later.  A lot of the men actually surprised Sir. Aaron by learning quickly on how to use a sword. The younger men were taught how to use a bow and a variety of swords while the women had their choice of weapons. I chose a short sword to learn because I was already good with a bow, so I could go either way when the day of the battle comes. 

       During the training, Darius made sure that the king's knights were distracted by flying over to the castle to mess with them a bit. If he could cause damage and get away with it, then he would just so he could help make the castle weaker and our goal easier to reach. Ben would occasionally ride out and get more people from other villages to join us and our cause.  In total we had men and women from twenty five other villages come to join us and our cause resulting in a nice sized "army" that would hopefully be able to take the king's knights and dethrone Einon ending his terrible rein.

        The chief, and Sir Aaron came over to me while I was practicing with my short sword. "You have gotten good with that sword." Said Sir. Aaron. I stop practicing and smile turning towards the men. "Thank you. Do you still think it is a suicide rebellion Sir. Aaron?" I asked. Sir. Aaron slightly turned and looked at all of the people that was practicing on the dummies we had built. "I am starting to have hope. Oh uh we came to you to discuss planting traps around and in the area of the battle." Said Sir. Aaron. "Why come to me?" I asked. "This rebellion was your idea. You are the one with the dragon. That makes you a part of the leadership." said Sir. Aaron and the Chief nodded in agreement.  "I would feel more comfortable fighting in a forest. Put the archers in the trees where we can get the jump on the knights. Plus you can put a lot of traps in a forest. The knights will never see it coming." I said. Sir. Aaron smiled at my answer. "That is exactly what I would do.  A very smart answer. " said Sir. Aaron. 

         "The forest it is then." said the Chief. "I will deal with the setting of the traps. Once they are all set, I will take small groups into the forest to show them where they are. That way no one will get hurt by our own devices. Marie, do you think you can ride Darius in battle?" Asked Sir. Aaron. I looked at Sir. Aaron in shock.  "I have only flown with Darius twice and both times he actually carried me. I have never actually flown on his back. You've seen him. I don't know if there is a place for me to sit on his back." I said. "Why don't we go and see what we can do about that. If there is room on his back, would you consider it?" asked Sir. Aaron.  I shrug a bit and follow the two men out to where Darius and I usually slept. Yes I had insisted on sleeping near Darius because he truly made me feel safe.  

        When we got there, Darius was not around. "Where is the dragon?" asked the Chief. "He must be out hunting or messing with the king again. There is no way to stop him from doing what he wants to do." I said. "How long has he been gone?" asked the Chief. "How should I know, I was practicing with the short sword when you guys came up to me remember?" I asked causing the Chief to glare at me for a moment. "Then we will wait here for a few minutes. Just in case he is already on his way back. Meanwhile please think about my request." said Sir. Aaron. "Why do you want me to ride Darius?" I asked. "Can you imagine what the king would think if we had a person riding a dragon in battle?" asked Sir. Aaron.  "That would be something to see I guess. But why me?" I asked. "You have known Darius longer than anyone here. If it is going to be anyone I think Darius would trust you more." said Sir. Aaron. I nodded in agreement at that statement and looked towards the sky as the wind suddenly began to pick up signaling to us that Darius was nearby and was coming in for a landing.

                       So does Marie get to ride Darius? How is that for a twist? My brother also gave me another idea but that will come later. It was a great idea though and I think you guys will like it. What do you guys think of it so far though? Comment below and let me know. Thanks guys!

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