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          I walked around what was left of my village. "Why would a king do this?" I asked out loud. Darius moved towards me but I didn't react. "Any king that destroys a village and kills all of it's people does not deserve to be king." said Darius. "What can we do about it?" I asked. "What would you like to do?" asked Darius. "I don't know." I said. "Very well then. What would your parents say." asked Darius. "Do nothing because there is nothing we can do. It isn't in our power." I said. That was what my parents had told me when the knights came to steal our food. They always came once a month to take almost all of our food for the king and his so called "feast". Many of our elder and young ones didn't make it through the last winter because of it. "So now that you have a way. What do you want to do?" asked Darius. I sighed and looked around at my village.
          I felt really alone right then. I knew that I was with Darius and I knew that he would probably leave me to go live out his own life, but then why would he volunteer to help me get revenge for my village.  I looked at Darius and shook my head. "My parents would be disappointed if I tried to get revenge but maybe I can go to other villages and tell them about what happened here. I am not sure yet." I said. "I think that is a very wise choice." said Darius. "So now what?" I asked. "What do you mean?" asked Darius. "Well uh.... aren't you going back to do whatever it is that you dragons do?" I asked. Darius chuckled deep within his throat. "What do you think we dragons do all day?" asked Darius. "I don't know. You are the first dragon I have ever met." I said. "I see." said Darius. "You never answered my question." I said. "I will stay with you. You may be a natural survivor, but it is good to have someone watching your back." said  "Is that why you volunteered to help me get revenge on Einon?" I asked. "If that was what you had wanted." said Darius nodding. "What if I had said I wanted revenge?" I asked.
          "I would have asked how you wanted to do it. That would be something that you would have to work out for yourself. Yes what the king and his men did was wrong, but in the end. When the time comes. He will get what he has coming to him. It may be in revenge. It may not."said Darius. "How do I move past all of this?" I asked waving my right arm towards the village ruins. "Go somewhere else and start a new life." said Darius. "You make that sound easy." I said. "It will not be easy. It will be very hard." said Darius. "Now you sound like you have done it before." I said. "I have. Many times." said Darius. I stood there in a shocked silence for a moment. I had actually never considered a dragon having to do that. "Why?" I asked. "Dragon hunters." said Darius. I nodded and looked away. My younger brother had wanted to be a dragon hunter. He has said that dragons were evil creatures that killed people with a single look. Up until I met Darius, I had believed him. "So.... How do we do this? Start over I mean?" I asked.

******I had to think about the start of this one. But after that it just kept coming and wouldn't stop. If it seems a little long, good. that makes up for the delay in updating. Sorry about that by the way. There is no excuse. Leave a comment for support and let me know what you think so far.******

DragonHeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora