Starting Over

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Darius looked at the remains of my village. "We must leave this place. It is not good to be here." said Darius. "What about my family? Can't we bury them first?" I asked. "The longer we stay here, the more danger we are in. Besides. In a way they were given a king's funeral." said Darius. I did not like the way Darius said that, but I also knew he was right. I turned and headed towards the fields. I could hear Darius move and come up beside me. "We have to tell the other villages." I said after a few hours of silence. "If that is what you want to do. I will help you do it. However the villagers are afraid of me." said Darius. "I wouldn't blame them. You are scary looking at first glance." I said. Darius chuckled. "I see." said Darius.

I didn't know which village to head to first, and I didn't know what the villagers would say when I went into the next village. Many of the people knew about the way my village was and did not approve. They would rather cringe like a dog fearing its master than to stand up for themselves. The more I thought about it, the more I started to change my mind. What if the villagers thought we deserved it? Would they say mean things about my people? My family? I slowed down and stopped. Darius stopped beside me. "Are you alright?" asked Darius. "I am no longer sure I want to do this. Going to other villages I mean. A lot of the other villages were against our idea of rebelling. They wanted to play it safe." I said. "We do not have to go if you do not want to." said Darius. I was about to respond when Darius lifted his head. "Someone is coming."said Darius. I looked up the hill from where we were. We were in the middle of a valley almost. We were going down hill towards a canyon, towards the river village. "What do we do now?" I asked. Darius went to a bunch of rocks and laid down. "Get behind me" said Darius and he turned to stone. I quickly got behind him and ducked.

A few moments later, there was the sound of thunder, only, it wasn't thunder. It was an army of horses headed towards the canyon as well. I peeked out and saw knights riding the horses. The same knights that destroyed my village. I gasp quietly, I was now afraid for the river village. I guess we were closer to the river village than I thought because we could hear the people shout at the knights and we could hear the knights shout back. That was when I figured they must be there gathering food for another feast. I stayed where I was and strained my ears to listen. There was shouts of anger a few screams of fear from the women, but nothing like what I heard the night my village was destroyed. The knights didn't stay long and soon the thundering sound was approaching again. I ducked down and curled up into a ball as they passed. I didn't want to risk being found. Then I smiled. Even if I was found, Darius would protect me...... Right?

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