The Swamp Knight

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Ben and I walked in silence for a while, then at last Ben spoke. "So the dragon.. Uh.. Darius saved your life after you were hit by an arrow?" asked Ben. I nodded then realized that Ben wasn't looking at me. "Yes. I was stupid. I tried to attack a knight on a horse, luckily and unluckily, I got some common sense at the last minute and turned and ran into the woods. I guess it was that knight I ran at, but as I hit the tree line, I felt a real bad pain in my back. I managed to keep going though and made it all the way to a river. Darius had a cave there and he came out and saved my life." I said. "What about your village?" asked Ben. "It was burning. There was no one left. Everything was gone when Darius and I went back to check." I said.
"Careful here. There is quicksand over in this area. We need a couple of long sticks." Said Ben looking around. I looked around as well and we both found a long stick. "What do we need these for?" I asked. "We will be going slowly from here, but its not much further. The sticks are to help us find the quicksand in this area." Said Ben stabbing the ground. I shrugged and followed Ben's example and started to stab the ground.
We ended up weaving around a few spots that held quicksand several times. Eventually we reached a small shack that looked like it could fall down any minute. In front of the shack was a fire pit and a man sitting on a log by the fire. "Sir Aaron?" Asked Ben. The knight moved slightly and looked in our direction. "The chief's son..... Ben am I right?" asked Aaron, his voice sounded hoarse from lack of use. Ben nodded. "Yes sir. I have brought this lady here to see you. She wants to talk to you about the king. " Said Ben. Sir Aaron stood up and turned away. "Please Sir Aaron. Just hear me out. " I said quickly. "Why should I? I want nothing to do with that king. " said Sir Aaron. "I am friends with a dragon. He is going to help us to overthrow the king. " I said.
Sir Aaron stopped and half turned to look at me. "You are friends with a dragon?" asked Sir Aaron. "Yes sir. His name is Darius. He is out hunting right now. " I said. Sir Aaron scoffed and shook his head. "If you have a dragon then why are you here bothering me?" Demanded Sir Aaron. "Darius said that it would help if we could get a knight to get us some training in tactics and defense." I said. "What if I said no?" asked Sir Aaron. "Darius said that he would come and talk to you himself." I said. Sir Aaron sighed and sat back down on his log. "Can I have no peace? Though I will admit, Your village helped me. I suppose I must return the favor. " Said Sir Aaron looking at Ben. "Does that mean that you will come and help us?" I asked. Sir Aaron looked at me for a moment then nodded. "Yes. I will help you. After that, I expect to be left alone. Assuming we even live through this so called rebellion of yours." Said Sir Aaron.
"We are expected back, will you come now?" Asked Ben. Sir Aaron sighed and stood up. "Give me a moment to get my belongings." Said Sir Aaron as he went into his shack. He was only gone for a moment and when he came out, he was carrying a small leather bag, his sword, and his shield. His shield had a dragon's head on it and a star outline on the shield. I smiled slightly. "Thank you Sir Aaron." I said. "Lets just go." Said Sir Aaron as he took the tall stick from Ben and took the lead leading us out of the swamp. When we finally left the swamp, the chief was looking in our direction. "Come on Ben! We must gather more villagers. Girl! You and your dragon will stay here under our protection." Said the Chief. I looked at the chief in surprise. "Has Darius returned and has he agreed to that?" I asked. "No not yet. But he will. Sir Aaron. It is good to see you again." Said the Chief. Sir Aaron scoffed a bit and adjusted his load on his shoulder. "I wish I could say the same. However I wish I had been left alone. This rebellion is suicide." Said Sir Aaron. "Have more faith in us Sir Aaron." Said the Chief.
The winds started to pick up causing us to look up to the sky. Darius was circling the village looking for a place to land in town, however he ended up landing outside the village gates. "You do have a dragon. " Said Sir Aaron in awe. " I see you have found the knight. Good." Said Darius. "Would you have really come to talk to me if I had refused your little girl here?" Asked Sir Aaron gesturing towards me. I glared at Sir Aaron for a moment then looked at Darius who nodded. "Yes I would have. I told them that I would do my best but I can only do that from the air. These people will need someone to help them on the ground. " Said Darius. "Very well. Then shall we get this suicide rebellion started?" Asked Sir Aaron.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello Everyone. I want to thank you all for the reads. I hope you are all enjoying this story. I want to give a big shoutout to DestinySaga7 for the knight's name. I have myself a new computer now so that I can update more hopefully. Depends on the writers block and how I am feeling. Anyway. Leave a comment or suggestion if you have one. I read them all!

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