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         As soon as the thundering was gone, Darius changed back into his old self and I stood up. "That was way to close." I said. Darius nodded slowly. "I have better hearing than you do. The knights know you survived." said Darius. "How?!" I demanded. Darius shrugged. "They must have followed your trail after we left. I did tell you it was not safe there." said Darius. I sighed. He was right and now I was being hunted. I turned away from the river village and started to walk away, lost in thought. Darius followed me. "Where are you going?" asked Darius, but I didn't respond, well not at first. A gentle growl from Darius got my attention. "Huh? What?" I asked. Darius sighed. "Where are you going?" asked Darius again. "Oh. I am just walking. I do not want to get anyone else in trouble by going to them." I said. 
          Darius nodded thoughtfully. "I see." said Darius. "Well what would you have me do?" I asked. Darius looked down at me. "You are wise to protect people, but what if they wanted to get involved. The river people may be able to hide you." said Darius. I laughed. "You obviously have never seen those knights in action. They search everything and I mean everything. Nothing is safe from them. "I said after the laughter subsided. "You never know until you try." said Darius. "I would be risking their lives." I said.  "If they said no, and for you to leave then you wouldn't." said Darius. " What if they said yes, then turned me in." I said. "I would stop them." said Darius. I shook my head. "The answer is no. I am not going to the river village. I don't want to put them in a dangerous situation." I said. " So where will you be going?" asked Darius. "To find my own hiding place. Maybe a waterfall cave like yours was. Or something up in the high mountains. I don't know. All I do know is that I want to get away from here. Get away from it all." I said sadly. 
          Darius sighed behind me as I started to walk again. "Do you know how dangerous the high mountains are?" asked Darius. "No." I said. "The mountain dragons will not take kindly to a human trespassing on their turf. They, unlike me, have no problems eating a human." said Darius. I stopped and shivered. "Oh.... Uh...... Okay then..... No to the high mountains." I said. "I think I may know of a place." said Darius. "Where?" I asked. "Right under the king's nose. My old cave." said Darius. "Are you serious?" I asked. Darius nodded. "Very." He said. "You are out of your mind!" I shouted. Darius rose his head and growled slightly.  I took a step back. "Do not yell at me little one. I am trying to help you." growled Darius. I paused a moment suddenly very afraid and confused. I sank to the ground. " I am sorry." I murmured. "I will protect you. But you have to trust me." said Darius. I looked up at Darius. He looked like he actually cared for me. I never really had any friends growing up, but was this dragon someone I can trust?

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