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M A R I A  S A M A N T H A

"Sam? Tell me what happened?" Thomas said giving me a hug immediately right after he opened the door of his flat, I cried to him.

"Is it okay that I'm soaking your shirt?" I sniffed and he chuckled, his chest slightly vibrates from the chuckling.

"It's fine." He whispered in my ear. "Now care to explain?"

"Michael and Ashton had a bet that if Ashton gets me laid Michael will pay him and Ashton will pay him if he didn't." I cried to Thomas' arms and he stroke my hair as I told him the whole story.

"What?! God, they're such dicks." He said in a shocked tone and I nodded, agreeing.

"Oh and wait,"


"Luke knew it and didn't even bothered to tell me." I cried harder and Thomas gasped.

"Where's that boy, I'm gonna punch him-"

"No, please don:t" I whimpered hugging him adn he suddenly softens his expression and gave me a hug. "Can I...Can I stay here for a day or so?"

"Of course." He smiled. "I have some of my sister's clothes here, she won't bother you borrowing it."

"I didn't know you have a sister," I chuckled, trying to light up the mood and forget about what I told him, because even I, don't want to think about it for a moment.

"I have, her name's Mali, she's still studying and have this little band they're working on and it's gonna be sick." He grinned. "Wait, are you okay now?" He asked and I sighed.

"Let's not talk about it right now, please, I'm tired." I sighed.

"Do you want to sleep?"

"I'll sleep here." I smiled sitting on the couch, it's quite comfy, it's enough for me.

"I have a guestroom-"

"No, I'm just gonna take a nap."

"Oh, uhm, okay." He mumbled sitting on the edge of the sofa. "Wait, uhm, are you hungry or whatever? I could buy you some food-"

"No, Thomas. I'm fine." I insisted, chuckling a little. "Thank you so much for your concern."

"I, uh, you're welcome." He murmured. "But, I need to go for a while, I'll be back for an hour or so."

"It's okay, I can manage alone." I smiled.

Well, I can really manage alone.

"Okay then, I'm gonna go, I promise I'll give you food right after I come back."

"Yeah, okay." I laughed. "Wait, uhm, Thomas?"


"Will you say thank you to Calum for me?"

"What reason?" He asked confused, his eyebrows scrunched together and I think it's cute.

"For saving me. At the party, haven't he told you?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, he told me the other day." Thomas smiled. "I will tell him." He grinned.

"Okay, thank you." I stood up from the couch and gave him a small hug. "Take care." I smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He blushed uncontrollably and it's cute to be honest then I laughed.

"Bye." He smiled before gently closing the door.

I sat on the couch and laid down, before I knew it, I was falling asleep.


wow, i wrote this for like 5 minutes lol

i changed the blurb so i'm just gonna go with the flooow forget the old blurb, okay? focus on the new.

calum & thomas // cth [editing] Where stories live. Discover now