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M A R I A  S A M A N T H A

"Who could it be? It's like 9 am." Luke complained.

"I'll get it." I chuckled, standing up walking to the door. When I opened it, I saw Thomas and I sent him a smile.

"Hey, why are you here so early?"

"I don't know, just going for a visit, is that okay?" He said and he seems nervous. I wonder why.

"Yeah, come in." I chuckled and pointed for him to come in with my head. He immediately follows and comes in. "Let's go to the kitchen."

he followed me all the way to the kitchen, when Luke saw him he sent a wave, which Thomas gave back.

"What's up, man?" Luke greeted. "Why're here so early? You should be at school, right?" Luke said then took a large bite of his pancake.

"Not in the mood to go to school." Thomas shrugged.

"Me too." I agreed, rolling my eyes. "May I ask, where's Calum?"

What? I can't help it.

"At the office, why?" He said and I just nodded. "Why'd you asked Samantha?"

"Nothing," I mumbled rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Well, I'll be honest, I know why." He sent a small smile.

"Don't remind me about it, okay?" I groaned. "I'm fucking done."

"He said he's sorry, he's not his fault-"

"So it's my fault? That I'm drunk?"

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that, it's just...he's not allowed."

"Not allowed to what exactly, Thomas? He fucking broke me. I'm so fucking done with him. I don't even want to see his face anymore." I said, now tears forming in my eyes and he entitled me in a hug.

"He's sorry, okay? He will explain soon."

"I don't need his explanation. I'm fucking done with him." I cried and fisted his sweatshirt, he doesn't even bother, though.

"Do you really, Samantha? You're done with me?" He whispered and I gasped.

"What do you mean?" I said wiping my tears. He sent a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Samantha. I lied."

"What do you mean?" I repeated. He started to remove his glasses then fixed his hair into a quiff.

"Thomas doesn't exists, Samantha." He explained and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Calum and Thomas are the same person."

"You've got to be kidding me." I scoffed walking away. I looked over to Luke and he's just amusedly watching us.

"No, Samantha. Thomas didn't really exists. I'm Calum, I pretended to be someone that I'm not and that doesn't exist." He explained and removed his sweatshirt, he's just wearing a plain white-shirt and his tattoos are really noticeable, even tattoos inside his shirt and I gasped.

"You fucking liar!" I screamed and ran to him, punching him, but I'm way too weaker so he's just standing there, I stopped and just cried in front of his held my shoulders.

"Samantha, I'm sorry. If I could only explain-"

"Why don't you do it now? What's stopping you?" I snapped, he just sighed.

"Samantha, just please, bear with me."

"No." I spat. "Get out of my house. Now." I said sternly.

"Samantha please-"

"Now." I said pointing to the direction of the door.

"I love you." He blurted out but I pretended I didn't heard it and he walked out.

"I love you too." I cried and Luke wrapped me into his arms. "I'm such a fucking idiot!" I shouted and cried louder.

"Shh," Luke cooed. "Do you really love him?" He whispered.

"Fucking yes!" I groaned. "And I hate myself for loving such an asshole."

"Everything will be fine, just wait for him to explain." Luke sighed. "There must to be something why he did what, why he pretended, why he shut you out."

"Luke, what should I do?" I looked up to him and met his beautiful Tenerife Sea colored eyes.

"Wait." Luke answered simply, and nodded.

"But what if it takes long?" I mumbled.

"I'm sure it wouldn't he don't want you to wait, do he? If he just hurts you again I'm gonna fucking break his nose." Luke laughed that made me chuckle a little.

"Are you serious?"

"Will do." He grinned. "Look, now you're smiling. You should stay happy." He smiled.

"I'll try." I sent small smile.


woah drama and revelations oh wow

this story is near to its finish and i don't know what to do with my life anymore

oh wait i don't have a life


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