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M A R I A  S A M A N T H A

*a week (and some days) later*

"Tomorrow night, okay?" Cassie winked and walked away with Luke. He smiled at her as they clasped hands walking in the hallway. Melissa and Michael followed, the other girls are nowhere to be found, some are in classes some are, I don't know, cutting?

But seriously, they look good together, I ship them hard. God, why don't I have a boyfriend?

"God, why don't I have a girlfriend." Ashton groaned and I pat his back.

"I feel the same, Ash." I laughed.

"How are you and Calum anyway?"

I pursed my lip.

It's been a week since that argument at the house, I haven't talked to him ever since. He's even not coming to school, well why would he? He just pretended to be a student. His job is really in his office.

I'm so stupid. I lose my virginity to someone that just fools me and played with my heart. I'm really an idiot. I hate myself.

"Can we not talk about this?" I shifted in my seat. "Not in the mood."

"Well, actually, Luke told us, but I didn't listened. I want to hear it straight from you." He mumbled and I shrugged.

"You should've listened to Luke because I'm really getting annoyed when it comes to that topic."

"Tell me, please. I won't ask you ever again about this once you answer all of my questions."

"Okay fine." I sighed. "What's your questions?"

"What's wrong with the both of you?"

"Well to make story short, we kissed, I lost my v-card-"

"Wait what? You lost your v-card?! Wow!" He said in amusement and I rolled my eyes.

"I lost my v-card and we're all like lovey dovey then he the next morning he says it's a drunken mistake and he fired me."

"Wow." Ashton whistled. "What an asshole."

"I know." I sighed. "He said he'll explain in the right time but it's been like, a week and he haven't even called me or whatever. It's really annoying the shit out of me." I groaned and Ashton ruffled my hair.

"There must be a reason behind all of this. Don't lose hope, maybe there's an valid explanation and reason for all of this." He smiled at me.

"Okay, what are your other questions?" I said in an uninterested tone.

"Well, you kinda answered all of it." He chuckled. "Oh wait, there's one more."


"Can you go out with me? Like, a friend date." He scratched the back of his neck and he looked down.

"Of course Ashton. When?" I smiled.

"Tonight? I'll pick you up at 6."

"Wow, okay." I grinned. "That sounds fun."

"Fun indeed." He smirked.

"I'm already looking forward to it." I wiggled my eyebrows and Ashton laughed.

"What's your next class?" He asked me. "I could like, walk you there."

"Biography. We have the same classes on Tuesdays, dummy." I said in a 'duh' tone, flipping my hair to the side.

"Oh, right." He chuckled slightly and we started walking to our next class.



ariana grande is having a concert here in august and i jUST

the tickets are too expensive so sad. :—-(


calum & thomas // cth [editing] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt