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*Atsushi's POV*

When we arrived at the abandoned hospital, the driver lurched to a stop, nearly sending both Mister Kunikida and Y/N flying. I was able to catch Y/N though.

"We've arrived. The abandoned hospital just as you've requested." The driver stated.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to fall asleep." Y/N yawned and froze, her face turning bright pink.

"I'M SO SORRY ATSUSHI!!!" she shouted and shot up into a normal sitting position.

I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. "It's okay." 

We got out of the cab and I waited for Y/N to get her socks and shoes on before we followed Mister Dazai and Mister Kunikida.

"What a cheery atmosphere...think it's haunted?" Mister Dazai asked and I could feel Y/N stiffen.


"I'm sure he was just kidding."


*Y/N's POV*

"It's really creepy in here isn't it?" Atsushi asked as I lagged behind with Mister Kunikida, who seemed to be just as unsettled as I was.

"I think it's refreshing actually. Really gets my blood pumping." Dazai said.

I was about to question him before I felt something climbing up the back of my leg. Before I could check to see what it was it was already under my clothes. 


I reached behind me in an attempt to rid myself of whatever creature was scurrying around in my clothes but I couldn't reach it.

In a panic I ran face-first into Atsushi, burying my face in his chest. "GET IT OUT!" I wailed before feeling a hand reach down the back of my shirt.

"Oh would you look at was just a rat." Mister Dazai chirped casually.

"A RAT?!" I. was. disgusted!

After I calmed down we ventured further into the disgusting building, eventually coming across some footprints in one of the stairwells.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" A woman's voice echoed and we immediately took off in the direction it came from.

"What is all this?!" Kunikida shouted as we found ourselves in a room with a large tank that had filled with water as a woman with long black hair sank to the bottom.

Mister Kunikida took out his gun and aimed it at the tank, breaking the glass.

Mister Dazai wrapped his coat around the woman as she coughed up water.

"Thank you. You saved my life." She said softly once she could speak again.

"My name is Sasaki Nobuko. I'm a lecturer at one of the universities in Tokyo."

"So that would make her victim number twelve..." Atsushi confirmed as I crouched down beside Mister Dazai to get a good look at Miss Sasaki's face. 

I reached into my bag and pulled out my sketchpad, looking at the drawing I made in it. 

It was an exact match.

"Mister Dazai...look." I whispered and held up the sketch.

He nodded discreetly and I stood up, walking over to Mister Kunikida, motioning for him to lean down.

"She's the woman from my vision." I whispered in his ear.

"Did you happen to see who it was that abducted you?" Dazai questioned.

A Second Chance: Atsushi x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now