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The morning after our mission with Kenji I sat on my bedroom floor, glaring at the tiger print outfit that I had to wear again today.

I let out a frustrated sigh before resigning myself to my fate and begrudgingly putting the outfit on.

Once I was dressed I walked over to my dresser and pulled my hearing aids off the charger and popped them in my ears.

'Seriously wondering if I should just go through with the surgery to fix my ears...'

I grabbed my bag, keys, and phone before putting my tiger print heels on then headed to work. 


"WHY ARE WE ROOMMATES?!?!" I heard Atsushi scream as I approached the office door, coffee in hand.

"We just don't have anymore space. She was happy to do it!" 

'Crap...I was hoping he wouldn't be back until after my punishment was complete...' I thought at the sound of Dazai's voice.

Taking a deep breath, I held my head high and opened the door, making a beeline for my desk.

"Got it...I'll do my best!" I heard Atsushi say before walking away, leaving Dazai with a smug, triumphant look on his stupid face. (I love you dazai...I don't actually think your face is stupid!)

"Instead of messing with Atsushi, why not write up your report on being captured, Dazai." Kunikida chastised.

"Atsushi." Dazai said, turning back to face the silver-haired boy.


"I need you to write a report for me."

"Huh?!" Atsushi and I both deadpanned.

"It's going to be about the people who placed the bounty on your head. You too, Y/ also have a bounty on your head." 

"Why do I have a bounty?! I haven't even done anything that would warrant one...!" I asked.

" know who placed the bounties?" Atsushi asked.

"Going off the Port Mafia's records, it was the leader of an American organization called The Guild." Dazai explained, holding up a flash drive.

"I thought that they were just an urban legend." Kunikida said softly before going into a spiel about the organization.

"It's said that their members hold key positions in finance, politics and the military, allowing them to utilize their vast influences for nefarious purposes. What would a group like that want with Y/N and Atsushi?"

The sound of a helicopter flying overhead caught our attention before Tanizaki burst in with a frantic look on his face. "You've all got to come see this!"

Making our way up to the roof, we saw a helicopter landing in the middle of the highway, cutting off traffic.

"Guess our report will have to wait." Dazai sighed as three people stepped out.


I sat at my desk, nervously biting at my nail.

The man who issued our bounties was here, talking to the president about who knows what!

"OW!" I winced, looking down at my thumb, and seeing a small drop of blood running down my finger.

I sighed softly and licked the minuscule wound before healing it.

"I need another coffee... I'm heading down to the cafe." I said and stood up.

I decided to take the stairs as I needed time to think.

A Second Chance: Atsushi x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now