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*Atsushi's POV*

After receiving the new job from The Azure Messenger I looked over to see that Y/N was fast asleep by the window.

"Y/N sure does sleep a lot, doesn't she?" I asked, laughing softly as I scooped her up into my arms. 

'She's surprisingly light.'

"Her visions are probably the root cause of that...They seem excruciating." Kunikida said and picked up Y/N's bag.

Upon returning to the dorms, I used the key Y/N gave me to unlock the door to her unit. I then laid her gently in her futon, making sure to tuck her stuffed dinosaur under her arm and chuckling as she hugged it and curled into the fetal position. I covered her up and went back outside, closing her door behind me.  

"Atsushi, do you have a sec?" Dazai asked.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Earlier I asked an old friend of mine, who works for the government to do a little digging into Y/N. He was unable to find any records or documents to prove her existence. So she's either a victim of human trafficking or she's lying about her real identity."

"Not even a single record?" I asked, not wanting to entertain the notion that she was lying to us.

"I've already informed the President. When Ranpo returns from his mission in Kyushu, she'll most likely be questioned." Dazai said bluntly.

"You don't think she's a bad you?" I asked softly.

"No...I don't. She's far too kind-hearted.


*Y/N's POV*

'Why am I so hoooot?!' I whined mentally before forcing my eyes open.

I looked around, finding that I was in my room back at the dorms. 'Atsushi must have brought me home...'

I yawned and stretched before peeking out my curtain to find that it was still very dark out.

'I wonder what time it is...' I thought as I picked up my phone, checking the clock.

'Four in the morning...' Normally I would just go back to sleep but I wasn't really tired anymore so I decided to take a nice long soak.

'That feels great!~' I mused as I sunk into the hot water, feeling all my stress just melt away.

30 minutes later I hopped out and wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body, before returning to my bedroom.

Since I slept in my work outfit I had to wear something else. I eventually decided on a pair of high-waisted denim shorts, a black spaghetti strap shirt, and a tan cardigan.

once I got my shorts on I tucked the tank top into the shorts and tossed the cardigan on over that before putting my freshly charged hearing aids in and styling my hair.

By the time I was ready, it was already around 7:15 AM, so I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder before noticing that my sketch pad was missing. 

'Did I leave it at the Agency? No...I had it with me on yesterday's mission. I'll just ask Atsushi.'

(Can you guys guess who has her Sketch pad?)

Once I had all of my stuff I exited my unit just as Atsushi was about to knock.

"Oh good morning, Atsushi!" 

"Good morning, Y/N." He responded with a smile.

"Have you by any chance seen my sketch pad?" I asked as we began walking to work.

"I haven't...I'm sorry."

"No no no! It's okay, I can just buy another one if I need to!"


We reached the Agency a bit earlier than usual so we decided to grab breakfast from the first-floor cafe, before heading upstairs.

"Atsushi, Y/N, we're having an important meeting." Mister Kunikida informed us as we entered the office. 

The meeting mostly consisted of Mister Kunikida briefing us on the situation thus far and trying to gather intel on the location of the bomb.

"I bet Ranpo could help. Have we had any luck getting in touch with him?" Kenji inquired.

"It seems he's still busy with the case in Kyushu. I've asked him to contact us as soon as possible but we need leads right now." Miss Haruno answered just before the President spoke up.

"Were we able to get any more information from the taxi driver?"

"Unfortunately no. He denies any knowledge of the bomb. I believe him. I don't think he's the type to blow up Yokohama." Mister Kunikida answered.

"Alright, listen up! This is a cowardly act. Someone's endangering lives just to bring down the Armed Detective Agency! We have two objectives...Uncover the Azure Messenger, whoever this person is...and disarm the bomb they've set. The bomb takes priority due to its deadly potential. Everything is at stake for us on this case, it's a full test of our skills as a Detective Agency."

And just like that, the meeting was over.


At around noon, Atsushi and I followed Mister Kunikida down to the cafe where we found Mister Dazai chatting with Miss Sasaki.

Atsushi and I slid into one of the booths while Mister Kunikida kneeled directly behind Mister Dazai as he complained about the bespeckled man.

Mister Kunikida smacked Mister Dazai in the side of his head, knocking him over. I slapped my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stop myself from giggling.

"How could you ditch an important meeting? I guess you thought it was more important to go on a fancy date..." Mister Kunikida grumbled.

"Are you jealous of my fancy date~?"

"N-No I am not..."

'He's totally jealous.' I thought as I ordered a cup of green tea.

Just as I finished my tea and was enjoying the show between Mister Dazai and Mister Kunikida, Atsushi's phone went off.

"Ranpo's ready to help us! Time to go." He said.


I was about to go with the guys to finish the case but I was stopped by Mister Dazai.

"I think you should sit this out." He said bluntly


"Tell me, Y/ you know how to fight?" He interjected.

"Well no, but...I just want to be useful..." 

"Well unfortunately if you came, you'd just be in the way."

"We'll try to hurry back. Promise." Atsushi assured me before they hopped in Mister Kunikida's car and drove off without me.

I tromped my way back upstairs to the office where I sat at my desk and sulked for a bit before my annoyance got the better of me.

"Hey, Tanizaki..." 

"Yeah? Is there something you need, Y/N?" He asked in response to his name.

"Can you teach me to fight?"


So since this is a reader insert I kinda wanna make this a bit more...interactive if you will. So I will ask a couple of questions quickly.

#1: When do you guys think Y/N should truly start to open up to everyone in the Agency?

#2: Should her visions get less painful as time goes on?

#3: What sort of fighting style would you guys like to see from Y/N?

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