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*Atsushi's POV*

After getting ready for work the following morning I headed next door to wake up Miss Y/N. I pulled the key she gave me out of my pocket and unlocked her door, making my way into her apartment. Luckily it was laid out the same as mine so I knew how to find her. 

"I'm coming in." I said out loud, knowing she couldn't hear me. It just seemed like the polite thing to do. I opened her door and found her in her futon, curled up in the fetal position on her left side, clutching a stuffed dinosaur as though her life depended on it.

I knelt down and gently shook her, only stopping when her eyes fluttered open. She slowly sat up and stretched before flashing a sleepy smile as she rubbed her right eye with the back of her hand. 

"Good moanin, Awsushi..." she mumbled sleepily.

'Her voice is so sweet!' I thought to myself before her hand flew up to cover her mouth before looking away, embarrassed that she spoke.

'She probably thinks I'm going to make fun of her...'  

I stood up and smiled at her before heading outside to let her get dressed. 

Ten minutes later her front door opened and she stepped out wearing a pink turtle neck and black skirt. she also wore black loafers and tights. She looked really pretty.

She held her notebook out, indicating that she wrote something. {Sorry you had to hear my voice...} 

After assuring her that I didn't mind and that I'd like to hear her voice more we were off to the Agency. 

Me: Kenji we just left the dorm. You and Junichirou are up.'

Kenji: 'You got it Atsushi!'

*Reader's POV*

As Atsushi and I were walking to the Agency, a boy with blonde hair and overalls caught my attention. He was standing under a very precarious-looking tree. As we were passing him a very large branch began to break.

Without thinking I dashed across the street, dodging a couple of cars in the process. Just as I reached the other side of the street the branch snapped and began falling.

Luckily I was able to reach the boy just in time. I wrapped my arms around him, using my hand to shield the back of his head from the ground as I shoved us out of the way.

"Awe you otay?! Yow not huwt awe you?!"

The boy simply smiled and shook his head.

I sighed softly and turned to look at the branch only to see it turn green and disintegrate into numbers.

I crawled over to the spot where the branch landed, waving my hand through the air in an attempt to touch it, but it actually was gone.

Before I could go full panic mode, Atsushi came up and tapped my shoulder. He was standing beside the red-haired boy from the Agency as well as the blonde boy I just saved. 

Atsushi helped me to my feet and smiled at me before leading me toward the Agency building.

{What was that?! I'm not crazy right?!} I wrote in my notebook before handing it to Atsushi.

I could tell he was laughing as his shoulders shook {No, you're not crazy. It will be explained momentarily.} He wrote as we arrived at the Agency.

Atsushi pushed open the door and stepped to the side so I could enter. 

I stepped inside only to be pounced on by Naomi. She quickly moved to the center of the room where everyone else was gathered, now including Atsushi and the two boys from earlier.

[Welcome to the Agency!] They signed causing me to be overcome with happiness. Before I had a chance to say anything, Mister Kunikida approached and held out a small box. [This is a little gift from all of us.]

I took the box and opened it. 

It was a new set of hearing aids.

I took the devices out of the box, turning them on before gently putting them in my ears.

"Well, how are they? Can you hear us?" An excitable female voice asked. 

My gaze immediately landed on Naomi and I nodded.

"Yes. Loud and clear!" I said with a smile as I wiped away a few tears.

"Your voice is just the absolute cutest~!" Naomi giggled as she hugged me, nearly knocking me over.

After prying Naomi off of me I turned to face everyone and bowed. "Thank you for accepting me! There's just one thing I'm confused about. You said I have an ability do I know what it is?" 

"We can figure that out later. For now, just enjoy your welcome party!" Yosano said and smiled.

I returned the smile with a nod and spent the day getting to know more about my co-workers and their abilities.

I was about to take a bite of cake when my hand suddenly started glowing and an agonizing pain flooded my head. I let out a shrill scream, gripping my head in my hands as a series of people and places flashed through my mind. 

When the pain subsided and I opened my eyes, I found that I was on the floor, my head in Yosano's lap while everyone else was standing around me. 

Something in my gut was telling me to sketch what I saw so I reached for my bag and pulled out a sketch pad and pencil before sketching the person that stood out the most from the visions.

I stared at the image.

It was a woman in her 20s with long black hair and a delicate face. She wore a long skirt and a simple blouse. There was something unsettling about her but I couldn't quite put my finger on the reason.

After a while of me staring at the image, Mister Dazai gently took the sketch pad from me and passed it around while Yosano tended to my headache by giving me some painkillers and massaged my temples.

"Well, it would seem we know what your ability is..." Mister Kunikida said as he adjusted his glasses "Precognition."

"You mean I can see the future?" I inquired softly.

"Exactly. But it would seem that your ability is similar to mine in the sense that it activates on its own." Dazai explained.

"So headaches are going to be a regular thing with me? Fun..."

'Just who is that woman and why was she so important?'


If you guys need an example of her visions watch this video

Volume warning it's loud you might wanna turn it down a tad bit. Though it could just be loud cuz I have headphones on lol

A Second Chance: Atsushi x Deaf ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon