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I sat outside the agency's infirmary, where Y/N and Kyouka were currently sleeping.

"My name is Kyouka Izumi. I've killed 35 people...I don't want to kill anyone ever again, not ever!"

The scene kept playing through my mind on loop until a familiar voice broke through my thoughts.

"Still attracting trouble I see. The girl's a lost cause. It seems her roots as a heartless assassin run much deeper than you know." Kunikida said. "She's taken out entire organizations using her looks to trick her targets into lowering their guard. She accomplished too much, too was only a matter of time till she was caught."

"Yeah, but whoever was taking advantage of her ability is to blame." I reasoned

"These gifts don't necessarily bring happiness to their should know that better than most."

Before any more could be said the infirmary door opened, revealing Yosano. "They're awake now and Y/N's fever finally broke." 

"Do you think we can question the girl?" Kunikida asked.

"Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem."


I let out a soft yawn as I sat in the infirmary bed before glancing over my shoulder at the F/C wings that protruded from my back.

'How am I supposed to go out in public like this?' I questioned 'And what on earth am I supposed to do with them?'

Atsushi and Kunikida walked in and approached me.

"How are you feeling?" Kunikida asked softly.

"I'd be better if I didn't have these things sticking out of my back...but other than that I'm fine."

"Maybe try visualizing them disappearing?" Atsushi suggested to which I nodded, closing my eyes.

I imagined the wings retreating into my back and after a minute that's exactly what they did.

"You're a genius Atsushi-Kun!" I cheered, causing him to blush. 

"You guys came in to question Kyouka, right? Go ahead, while I get dressed."

The two nodded and Kunikida pulled my curtain closed so I could change in peace.

"Are you okay? Oh, you're in the Agency's infirmary, by the way. You remember who I am, don't you? " I heard Atsushi ask as I stood up and began disrobing.

"Tell me...who's behind all of this?" Kunikida asked when she didn't respond. "The Port Mafia is like a snake. Unless you cut off its head they'll just keep coming. Answer me, girl...who is your superior?"

"Hey...Mister Kunikida--"

"Tachibanado's boiled's good."

"Do you want some?" I asked as I stepped out from behind the curtain, now fully clothed. "I'll happily get it for you, Kyouka-Chan."

"I'll talk if you do." 

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me.

A Second Chance: Atsushi x Deaf ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant