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Atsushi and I enjoyed a cheap but very nice dinner together and even had some time to take a walk.

The rain had stopped and the sun was setting as we watched the sunset from a nearby park while eating crepes. "So what was your childhood like?" Atsushi asked softly.

"Well for the most part I had a pretty happy childhood. I was raised by my Grandparents because my Mom and Dad died in a car accident the day they were given the okay to take me home after my birth. Still unsure how a literal two-day-old infant survives a car crash but I digress." I answered softly before telling him almost every memory I could think of.

"So when did you start lose your hearing?"

"I think I was...six, when my grandmother noticed that I wouldn't respond when she would call for me. She would have to tap my shoulder to get my attention. It just progressively got worse as I got older."

I was about to say something when my head began pounding causing me to grip Atsushi's arm for support. "It's happening ngh- again..."

Images of a young girl in a red yukata flashed through my mind along with a train and explosions.

When I came out of the vision I noticed some middle-aged women giggling amongst themselves while looking at us.

"They certainly make an adorable couple." One of the women said.

"I agree, wholeheartedly. Just look how she's holding him."

I looked down seeing that I was gripping Atsushi's breasts!

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Atsushi-Kun!!" I shouted and immediately pulled away.

"I-It's okay..." He gulped before looking at me with a more serious expression. "What did you see?"

"I...saw a young girl. She had long dark hair and she was dressed in a red yukata. There was also a train and a lot of explosions." I explained as we made our way back to the dorms. "She looked so sad, too..."

The next morning we arrived at the agency, worried that we couldn't get ahold of Dazai, but when we voiced our concerns to the others they brushed it off.

"I'll look into it for you."

We looked to our right to see Junichirou. 

"That would be wonderful, Tanizaki-Kun!" I said causing him to smile.

"It's good to see you're okay."

Kunikida's statement confused me.

"Did you get hurt, Tanizaki?"

"Yeah but I'm okay now, thanks to Dr. Yosano's treatment." He answered. (Just pretend he got hurt on a separate mission lol)

"How many times?" Kunikida asked to which Junichirou froze with a terrified look on his face

"F-F-Four! Listen you two, as long you're here at the agency make sure you never get injured!" 

"The moment you think you'll get" Ranpo said "You should hone your ability to sense when danger is near. For example, ten seconds from now..."

A sudden yawn caught mine and Atsushi's attention. We turned to see Yosano who looked like she had just woken up.

"Oh, hey Dr. Yosano. Good morning." Atsushi said politely.

"Oh, hey Atsushi. You're not hurt are you?" She asked.  

"Uh no...I'm fine actually." Atsushi clarified

A Second Chance: Atsushi x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now