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As I stated in the last chapter. This is my version of Y/N in the new work outfit. The colors don't have to be what I chose but yeah!



"Whoa, that's a huge baseball arena!" Atsushi exclaimed as we wandered around Yokohama.

"It's Yokohama Stadium. I've seen it on a map." Kyouka said softly before moving on to the next location.

"This is Yokohama's Memorial Hall."

"The Museum of Cultural History."

"Yokohama Customs Headquarters."

"I'm impressed that you know all this stuff, Kyoka." I said as we gazed at the large building.

"I just have the map and building structures memorized." She responded before we moved on.

"Oh, I know this one! The Red Brick Warehouse." Atsushi chimed before we overheard a woman talking about crepes.

"Oh yeah...Naomi-Chan was talking about that place just the other day." I said with a smile.

"It wasn't on the map...I wanna try it." Kyoka said, sending a nervous chill through Atsushi's spine.

"It'll be my treat." I giggled and led them over to the truck. "Go ahead and pick whatever you want!"

We ate our crepes and afterwords Kyouka spotted a claw machine that had a white bunny plushie donning a black dress, to which Atsushi won for her.

"I finally got the plushie I wanted." She mused, hugging it close as we walked.

When we finally stopped again my eyes widened. 'A-A F-Ferris Wheel?!'

"You okay there, Y/N? You're shaking pretty bad." Atsushi pointed out as we were boarding the cart.

"Y-Yeah! I'm peachy!" I shouted, closing my eyes before hopping into the cart.

"Here." I looked over to see Kyoka holding out her rabbit for me.

"Th-Thanks." I took the stuffed animal, holding it tight as the ride lurched to life, taking us up high above the ground.

After we got off the giant wheel we hit a few other locations. After I was able to stand up again that is.

"There's just one more place I need to go..." Kyoka mumbled as Atsushi and I lagged a bit behind but agreed nonetheless.

"We're here..."

I let out an audible gasp as I read the sign above the door that read "Yamanote Police Department Minatonomieruoka Park Police Station."

"Today's been more than enough fun. It really should have ended with the boiled tofu."

"But...if you turn yourself in--"

"I'll be sentenced to death. 35 people have died because of's a sin that I'm still alive." She said softly "Besides, even if I returned to the Port Mafia I'd be executed."

I moved forward, reaching out my arms to embrace the girl before me but froze when something warm and wet hit my back.

I turned slowly, my eyes widening at the sight of Atsushi having been impaled by some sort of creature. 

A Second Chance: Atsushi x Deaf ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now