12: I Have To What?

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Heyo! This chapter is in your P.O.V. and nothing heated happens. Enjoy!

“Oh.” Tío Bruno looks down, giving his head a slight shake and resting the bucket against his hip. “Oh, no I-I couldn’t. I mean, how would the family react, y’know?” He shrugs, chuckling down at the ground. He sets the bucket down on a table and flops back down on the chair. 

“But, I found this vision.” I tell him, finding a pile of the vision pieces next to rats using a human sized hairbrush. 

“Yeah. That. Abuela saw it the night you got your gift and flipped out. That’s when I decided to leave.” 

“But you’ve been here the whole time.” Antonio looks up at him and Bruno lifts him, placing him down on his lap. “How do you keep yourself entertained? It’s so boring in here.” He whines softly, looking around at the plain room. 

“Well.” A smile comes to tío’s face as he stands, lifting Antonio once again and setting him down in the chair softly. “Depends on what kind of TV you guys like.” He takes two rats and puts them on a stand, fitting their heads into cardboard cutouts. “Sports.” He flips that cutout down, revealing another. “Game shows!” He says excitedly, flipping it down. “Telenovelas.” One rat scampers away and another takes its place. Bruno leans up against the table they’re on, sighing wishfully. “Their love could never be.” 

“I don’t get it.” Antonio slouches down in the chair. 

“Oh, well, you see, she’s his aunt but she has amnesia so she doesn’t remember she’s his aunt, so it’s a very forbidden kind of--” 

“I love that one!” Dolores bursts through the dining room ‘wall’, effectively scaring the shit out of me.

“Jesus, Dolores!” I shout and she shushes me. 

“Don’t wake up the family.” She turns to Bruno. “I brought you dinner.” She smiles, setting the plate down on his placemat.

“You knew he was here?” I gape. 

“Oh, yeah.” She shrugs. “We hang all the time. I bring him food, we watch rat telenovelas.” I turn to Bruno and he smiles sheepishly. 

“Surprise.” He does little jazz hands. 

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” I look at Dolores with genuine hurt. 

“Well, he asked me not to. He seemed really upset, so I didn’t question it.” She shrugs, taking a bite of an arepa

“A member of our family and our community has been missing for ten years and all you’ve been doing is feeding him? Dolores!” I scold. “We missed him so much and you’ve just been hiding him?” 

“No one misses me.” Bruno sighs. “I said I hear everything in this house through these walls. Nobody here misses me.” 

“We miss you.” I turn my attention to him. “Mirabel, Camlio and I have missed you so much. You were the best tío a kid could ask for.” I tell him softly and his eyes well up. He clears his throat and claps his hands together, quickly blinking back his tears. 

“You guys should probably go now. I don’t have a good reason but if I did, you’d be like, ‘that’s a good reason, we should go.’” He chuckles lightly. 

“But what about the vision?” I ask frantically, quickly assembling it. 

“No one was ever supposed to see that. Not even your Abuela.” He panics, quickly snatching it away from me. 

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now