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excuse any mistakes♥

Соmе rіdе wіth mе bаbу, I wаnt уоu tо fееl mе
Веfоrе уоu hор іn, іѕ уоu dоwn tо ѕlіdе wіth mе?
Веfоrе уоu buсklе uр gіrl, іѕ уоu dоwn tо dіе wіth mе?

California Monroe

"Carmelo and Fez stop running in this damn hospital!" My mom snapped at Melo and Fez who were running around the hospital lobby slapboxing

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"Carmelo and Fez stop running in this damn hospital!" My mom snapped at Melo and Fez who were running around the hospital lobby slapboxing.

"Hi we're here to see Alessandro Romano?" My mom told the nurse at the front desk, Clover and I trailing behind her.

"You family?" The nurse questioned rudely.

"My husband is his family so yes bitch, we are family" My mom snapped and I looked up at her strangely. My mom was sickeningly sweet and it took a lot for somebody to make her snap at them, let alone cuss at a stranger. 

"Mommy, why are we here?" I asked my mom for the 50th time since we left the house. 

"California I told you, Uncle Sandro is sick and we need to check on him." My mom scolded me for asking her questions while she was busy, something she hated that I did.

"But he was fine when we just saw him a couple of hours ago..." I persisted.

"Well he's not fine now" My mom snapped once again turning her attention back to the nurse.

"Come on sister" Clover said grabbing me and leading me towards the open chairs, "Melo and Fez, get over here and sit or I'm not giving you none of the snacks I brought." Clover called over to them who were both still roughhousing. She was in full mom mode, as she always was when my mom wasn't present. 

I just looked over at my mom who was clearly in distress still, I could tell by her pacing something was very wrong. As I was about to turn back around I noticed two police officers approaching my mom. They were asking her questions and I saw her glance over at us before continuing her conversation.

"Dove cazzo é mio marito?!" I looked to see my Aunt Gianna, Uncle Sandro's wife storming in, cursing in Italian.

My mom hurried over to her grabbing her into a hug as Aunt Gianna began to break down sobbing.

"Dove Preziosa? Dov'é?" She sobbed into my mom, repeatedly asking her where Uncle Sandro was. Being around my Uncle Sandro and Aunt Gianna my whole life, we learned a lot of Italian, enough to be fluent almost. They mainly used it around us when emotions were high though.

"Shhhh" My mom soothed Aunt Gianna, who was a hot mess at this point. "He's going to be ok sweetie, Nasir is back there with him" My mom assured her. 

Fez noticed his mom and approached her slowly. "Mamma, stai bene?" Fez asked his mom quietly.

"Oh Fabrizio, mamma sta bene piccola, vieni qui amore mio" Gianna assured Fez she was okay, pulling him into a hug.

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