XZ: Abruptly

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"Wow look at that pathetic idiot."

Zhan looked at the direction his 'friend' was talking about. He saw the boy who always managed cover his whole self with a black hoodie, opening his locker to take his books.

He followed as his friends also went near the boy whom he never was able to talk in the school.
"Huh are you ignoring us?" One of his friend circle spat infuriated, while pushing the boy on to the lockers as a loud thud erupted.
"Tssk pathetic." Zhan snickered as he let the boy's books scatter on the floor.

"Oh oh someone is trying to be a big boy and not cry."
His friends started to fake coo earning almost everyone in the hall's attention to themselves.

While the others laughed he glanced at the boy who looked emotionless as ever as he slide down to floor and kept staring into nowhere. He almost wanted to bend down and ask if the other was okay. But he didn't. He just kept standing there while pretending to laugh as his friends nudged him.

Once the others had their fun, they walked away leaving a the boy to stand up slightly and wincing slightly from the wounds. He looked back and for once he was met with the others eyes—straight. But both of their eye contact broke off as Zhan looked away afraid others would notice where he was looking.

He sat throughout his lessons all daywith a mind always lingering on that black haired younger male while guilt kept persuading him. Zhan almost didn't hear his bell ring, indicating his bio class was over. Because why? He was far more lost in his thoughts of endless doubting himself and repeating over same dilemma.

He wanted to stop doing whatever he was doing now and help that boy whom he have realised was Wang Yibo. He only shared one class with him, which was Math. If anyone asked what's then stopping him from doing so, he didn't knew himself. But he was sure about one thing.

He was afraid that he will be have to be that sore looser who had no friends when he was in middle school.
He was afraid he would have to be lonely again. His fear prevented him from helping the other.

Things repeated same as today for few weeks until Yibo failed to show for school for almost a week. Zhan admitted that everyday he woke up the thought that he might see Yibo today on school but only to get his hopes crushed at the end of the day.

Abruptly the very next day of the the next week since Yibo's absence —the news spread throughout the school shocking the hell out of Xiao Zhan. When his ears first picked out what the others said about Yibo being already dead almost made him stop breathing for a second. And when he heard that the cause for it was that he had suicided made Zhan wanted to cry.

The second he heard it, all he heard was his own voice ringing that it must be his fault. It must've been because of him and his bullying the other might've thought about dying. First few days since he heard it was all of him trying to shut down the inner voice of him screaming that it was his fault and trying to fake his parents that he was just plainly having a cold and nothing else to worry.

He understood the pained expression his sister gave and he knew she have already figured it wasn't just the cold—reason behind him not going school for almost a week.

He could only hope that his sister would let the matter go and not ask him about it because he knew the second she ask, he would break into tears immediately. At end he found out it was all too late and he didn't had anything else left to do about it.

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