XZ: River

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"Oh what is it?" Zhan's sister asked as both Zhan and Yibo eagerly listened.

"It's just that the patient isn't responding to anything and it has almost been a month already and considering the fact he hasn't given much of a response from his brain we will have to remove the machines if he fails to respond within next month. I told you early so you guys can be prepared. If he doesn't respond that means the person's brain is dead already."

Zhan widened his eyes as he calculated he only has one month and most importantly he has been in a coma for a month? He threw a glance at Yibo who seemed to be in a panic for a few seconds until he caught Zhan's eyes on him and came back to his nonchalant posture. But for Zhan he could swear that he saw the other panicked and forced to be calmed as if afraid it to be seen by him.

After Zhan finally decided to leave the hospital with Yibo following after, he decideded to break the thick silence between them.

"Hah guess I only have a month. Do you by any chance have an idea what will happen if I was unable to get back in by then?" Yibo looked like in a daze for a second before replying.

"You'll have to cross Lan He ( 蓝河 Blue river ) and go to afterlife."

"Cross what again?" Zhan asked failing for grasp at the new place he heard at first.

"It's the river which is bounding the before-life and afterlife. So when going to next life you have to cross it so you'll be reincarnated." Yibo explained without much emotion but laughed a bit when seeing Zhan in pure shocked state.

"Damn who knew there is such a process between reincarnation and death and bla." Zhan blabbered and was about to walk ahead when he suddenly shrieked and gasped back.

He was this close hitting on a women who had his whole body in a black mixed—unpleasant colour making her look a bit horrifying. But her clothes which were a normal autumn attire made her a bit less scary for Zhan.

Yibo was by now on the floor—dying by laughing at the other who frowned at him.
"Oh my god...that, that was so hilarious." Yibo said between his laughs as he soon found himself wincing from the kick he got from Zhan's leg. As he was already on the floor it was easy for Zhan.

"The hell?" Yibo muttered while standing up.

"You deserve it. So anyways what is she doing?" Zhan asked as he kept observing how the lady kept staring at a man and a child who was talking to each other—smiling. They seems like normal humans for Zhan and the ghost seemed to be in awe but then suddenly a women who seemed to be at the same age of her's came outside and joined the child and the male.

Zhan saw how the ghost's while demeanour changed and how she wanted to hurt the other women but failed miserably as she was unable to even reach her. The ghoul kept trying to get close near the woman but only to be stopped by something like invisible barrier.

Zhan looked back to Yibo as he has already thought of the other as a scrutinising person about everything after being dead.

"She is a vengeful ghost, who must've had some grudge against the other women who is alive and smiling right now."

Zhan looked back at the scene which was few blocks away from them and realised the alive persons seemed like a family and the dead one was maybe a part of it too? Zhan was intrigued by all these he was witnessing and it was enough for a second to get his mind out of stressing about getting back to his body.

"Come on don't waste your time on those. They'll find a way to get attached to you and worse kill you too." Yibo said scaring Zhan a little. As the advise he received, he decided to leave with Yibo who was already few steps ahead of him.

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