XZ: Feelings

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Ever since that day when Zhan had talken to a living mortal right in front of Yibo's eyes, it was obviously not the same. And Zhan wasn't the one to turn a blind eye to it. He himself even had minutes sometimes hours of questions circling around in his mind after that incident. But what he knew at the end was that all his questions were left in answerd.

He recalled the first day he noticed it.

He looked around realising Yibo wasn't home anymore. He thought for a moment where the latter could be and decided to leave as well. He was just strolling through the road which enters to living world until he spot the familiar figure outside a 24/7 grocery shop. Zhan was about walk up to Yibo when he realised Yibo wasn't moving an inch at all.

Confused, Zhan looked around trying to guess what the other was doing. And he soon caught Yibo's gaze was inside the shop and was on a person inside it. Zhan couldn't quite figure out who the person Yibo was looking at due to his distance from the place.
But he was all taken back when he saw how Yibo started to clench his fists.

He for a split second saw a small resemblance of the ghost he saw few days back then in Yibo. He blocked his eyes and saw the other in normal state again even though still with clenched fists. He hesitated at first but then decided to address the other.

"Yibo!" He called out. Zhan tried telling himself that he didn't saw the other nearly flinching from hearing him. Yibo slowly turned around facing the older.

Zhan waved his hands at the other who slowly started taking steps towards Zhan. Once he was near Zhan decided to forgot about the incident that he just saw.

"Aren't you cold? What were you doing here anyways." Zhan questioned from Yibo who visibly gulped.

"I came to buy some stuff but they weren't in that stupid shop." Zhan made a 'O' shape in his mouth.

"You seriously need to tell me from where you inherited this much money." Zhan said shaking his head, amused by the other's freedom to spend any amount.

"Well that question will always be left unanswered." Yibo said as Zhan groaned in response.

He even remember that one time they were outside just walking around without a fixed destination like they always used to do. Just when they in front of a building Zhan noticed how Yibo visibly stiffened. For Zhan Yibo looked kind of infuriated and Zhan was always quick witted to notice.

Not gonna blame the fact his 24/7 attention was on Yibo.

He was too lost in his thoughts trying piece together all those puzzle like thoughts he had when he felt the bed bouncing from weight. Soon he felt Yibo's head on top of his straightened legs.

"What's taking up all your mind other than me myself?" Zhan was speechless for a second from what he heard. He looked down at Yibo and realised other had reddened cheeks on him.

"Don't! Just forget. But on full serious tho, I found out something absurd today." Yibo said not letting Zhan finish.

Zhan muttered to himself, 'It was you after all you was in my thoughts.'

"Zhan ge!" Zhan snapped his gaze at Yibo as he heard what the other just said. Trying to suppress his smile he asked,
"Okay okay so what's the absurd thing anyway."

"My clothes have been reducing somehow. Like one of my Channel coats and some of my newest shoe collection. Oh, and also few of my sunglasses." Yibo said with a pout.

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