WYB:XZ: Epilogue

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Even though thinking about going back and being able to erase all those pained expressions of his family seemed like a luck made in heaven, leaving Yibo made it look like punishment in the hell.

His priority is Wang Yibo. Was and always will be.
Thinking that going back to living while forgetting about Yibo and his love made his heart ache in despair. But he knew despite all they both had no other choice.

"It's fine Zhan ge, I can wait for you. I've waited this long so a bit more isn't that much of a problem." Yibo said smiling. Though Zhan knew very well that deep down Yibo is just hiding his own pain as well with a smile just so it'll help Zhan ease his own pain. Times like thin it only reminded Zhan of how much strong and brave Yibo was and how much of a coward he himself was. From the start to end it was him who messed up everything till now and this time there was no reversing it. Maybe god had enough of giving chances to him just so he could correct his mistakes.

"But Yibo I'll have to forget about everything! And you'll have to be in pain and keep waiting for someone so ignorant as me." Zhan said feeling tears stinging his eyes.

"Ge, I told you even if you don't remember me or our love, mine will be enough for both of us. I'll wait for you, I'll keep watching over you till you return." Yibo said cheerfully. Even if he knew it won't be that easy as he said like now he'll manage it. After all he won't feel that guilty now that Zhan gets the chance to live his life before coming with him.

"Wait! You can be visible to humans too right? Then when I go back appears before me. Then we can live like normal people right afterwards?" Zhan asked praying inside that this'll work. But again it only proved that god had given up on him.

"I can't. It's my punishment, I won't be visible to living people anymore." Yibo said looking down.

The deity and Haoxuan had given them some space and busied themselves on cleaning up the mess. Even from afar they both could only glance at Zhan and Yibo helplessly knowing they voiding do anything.

"It's fi-" Before Yibo could finish his sentence Zhan pulled Yibo towards a kiss. Their lips moved in sync while both of their lament of having to separate pouring to the kiss. It was when Yibo's forcefully held back tears started falling down on his cheek freely. Yibo didn't knew why this universe hates them. When they finally got a chance to be together it had been ruined again. All his life it had been sad endings and yet again he has been put into a situation where he had to bid farewell from someone.

They broke the kiss as Zhan used his finger to wipe out Yibo's tears. They knew Ziyi was waiting to send Zhan back and end her duty so they had no choice but to grab each other by the hand and walking towards their separation.

Zhan reluctantly let Yibo release his hand and waited as Ziyi started to do her part. Zhan could only see Yibo's pained expression until he couldn't see anything except darkness. Though he vaguely remember Yibo running towards him and his body warmth spreading on his own.

Yibo watched Zhan disappear even if he was tightly holding onto him. His figure dissolved into air and left no trace leaving Yibo and his tears to cascade down.
Haoxuan put his hand on Yibo's shoulder in a comforting manner as Yibo muttered,
"It's fine it's only for some time. Yeah this farewell is temporary."


                Days were going in an insignificant way as Yibo had already lost count on it. He'd wake up in the morning missing the warmth of Zhan, he'll roam around in his house missing Zhan's sarcastic comments on his clothes, he'll again go back to bed at night missing Zhan's steady breath against his ear.

Yibo sighed taking out his phone to look at Zhan's picture and glancing at it with a pained expression. He remember taking it when they were in high school. He went in such lengths just so he could take that picture. It was their annual festival day at school and Zhan looked nothing but mesmerising from his hair to his clothes and all. Of course Yibo had to take a photo.

One of daily routines of his were to wait by the collage entrance around four'o clock because Zhan's classes will be over by then and he will see him walking out with a friend. Everyday he'll stand by the opposite side of the road staring at Zhan who never notices him despite how often he'd be there.

Yibo knew he should be getting used to it but what's happening is exactly opposite of it. He would miss him even more by each passing day. The day when Zhan will come back seemed like an eternity far away. Though Yibo knew he should have been glad about the fact that at least he could watch Zhan from afar and wait for the temporary separation to be over. Because now he's going to loose it too.

It was when Yibo heard about Zhan's acceptation to a foreign collage. He will be going abroad to study. Yibo wanted to follow Zhan wherever he goes but of course the soul of a person who dies will be bounded to stay where he died until he'll goes to afterlife. So Yibo was not left with much of a choice than having to let Zhan go from his vision, for how long? He didn't know.

Soon the day of Zhan's departure arrived and Yibo as he was determined, accompanied Zhan to the airport. He watched from few feet afar as Zhan bid goodbye to his family members feeling jealous about the fact that they could bid him goodbye while he could never. Yibo even followed Zhan till he could see the place where Zhan will take a turn and enter the airplane pathway.

Yibo didn't know how longer he will have to wait till the other comes back or how he was going to endure it. But he knew, that if Zhan could turn around one last time and glance at him like how he used to do, filled with love and enthusiasm he would be able to wait and endure until Zhan comes back.

Just as when Zhan was about to turn and enter the airplane passageway he halted on his steps. Yibo stood there not really getting why the other stopped on his tracks. Yibo with his holding breath watched as Zhan turn around and glance at him. Yibo in that moment knew not only he'll be able to wait until Zhan comes, but even for an eternity.
He will wait until Zhan would come back to him.


Did I just finish every ongoing story of mine... The ending tho..

Well Yh anyways I'm telling yall they had a happy ending otay? Don't be sad uwu.

Should I start something new, cuz I've completed all? Idk you tell me.

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