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After Yibo was finally done eating enduring the never ending nagging of the Zhan they stepped outside of the restaurant.

"Wait a sec I think I left my coat." Zhan said hurrying back inside leaving Yibo to huff at the other's hypocritical behaviour. As he let his eyes wonder around, he noticed a figure walking ahead of him. Even amidst the voices of thousand people on the road Yibo could clearly make out that voice no matter what, Along with unnecessary memories with it.

His feet wouldn't dare to follow him when all he ever wanted to do before was to run away from them, if it wasn't for what he was uttering to his cell phone.

"He? That fucker clearly set it up himself! He already knew the property won't be mine if he doesn't live until he is eighteen years old."
Yibo knew more that anything that it was about him the other was talking about. Reality was that he didn't knew exactly the details of whatever those things about his parents property being his. It was just now he knew about it.

"I know right? It all became useless killing the girl. If I knew this would happen that kid would have been some kind of a help." The man said while turning towards a lane from the main road.

Hearing that was what Yibo least expected. His sister? Wasn't she dead on the road just like his parents?

"Dad and Mom thought about a vacation by the beech what do you guys think about it?" Mrs. Wang spoke with her cheerful voice as they were seated on the car.
"Yes!" Yibo watched as his sister clap her hands as if she had clearly understood what her mother had said even if she was still three years old.
"Are we going tomorrow?" A ten year old Yibo asked excitedly.
"Well we really didn't plan on going till next week." Yibo pouted at his mother's words. It wasn't just Yibo who was down by hearing it, his younger sister also couldn't help but start whining.
"Oh! The oils not working." Everyone inside the car looked around to see their car halted by the sidewalk. They had quite the distance till their house from where they were stopped so it was Yibo's dad's idea for them to climb down and let him try and fix it.
It was Yibo who climbed down first being the impatient he was, next he helped his sister down. Just when she was put down she started running a bit ahead of the car. Probably due to the relief gotten after being seated in the same position for sometime.
"Hey! Wait." Yibo chased after his sister. But both soon stopped on their tracks when they heard a loud crash. Yibo looked back with shaking hands to see their car crushers by a truck. Yibo remembers running towards the car and seeing their parent's unconscious figures covered in blood. He remember the darkness clouding his mind after enveloping him in a dark abyss.

Wang Yibo was soon biting his lips to stop them from trembling after realising. He had forgotten that her sister wasn't in the car! But foolishness of his belived every word they said back then.

"Whatever I'll just have to find another family again."

That was it. This time Yibo did not bother to stop his anger developing inside him. He did not care about consequences or anything other than his burning desire for vengeance which he had worked for months to suppress back then. He simply could only focus on one thing after realising what this beast of a human had done to him and his whole family. Maybe his dead parents would feel at ease if he gets revenge for them.

Zhan had just left the restaurant after being stalled by seeing his sister in the restaurants when he went back to retreat his forgotten coat. His feet simply didn't let him leave the place seeing her sister out of nowhere up so close after quite a long time. He of course noticed the close-to-crying expression she wore.

Zhan could only stay still watching from afar as usual with his hands itching to go comfort her. He knew by now it must be around time when his body will be discarded.
Zhan stood still only his eyes following every movement of his sister. Ordering takeout, throwing a chalked around the restaurants for last time as if she was expecting someone before walking out of the door. Zhan knowing better than to follow her, exits as well looking around to catch up on Yibo.

Zhan would've missed Yibo's figure if he was one second late to exit the restaurant. He jogged up to Yibo in hopes to see him probably being dragged away by cotton Candy or perhaps Gucci again. But Zhan knew it wasn't the case seeing him following a familiar man. It wouldn't bother Zhan much if it wasn't for the fact that he have already figured out it was Yibo's uncle. And the aura of Yibo did no better help.

Zhan clearly saw how the other's hands clenched just as he saw him do before. Zhan only had a side view of Yibo as he was turned towards a lane, yet he could make out the pale face and the reddened eyes of the other.

Of course Zhan knew what's going to happen. Even if he held Yibo's wrist and stopped him it wouldn't have done much of help. It was as if his own body moved on its own when he remembered how Yibo's pained expression was when he told him about his past. All Zhan knew was launching forward in an instant, being first to Yibo and stabbing the man in the chest. Zhan didn't even realise when or where he got the knife but seeing a lifeless man lying in front of him, his grip loosened on the knife letting it fall realising what he gave done.

Zhan didn't have time to dwell on it because he turned towards Yibo to shake him out of whatever he was in before. When the color returned to Yibo's face it was replaced with uttermost shock seeing the view which laidback in front of them.

"I-I" Yibo stuttered glancing at Zhan helplessly.
"I couldn't let you do it when I remembered what happened to that ghost back then." Zhan mumbled.

Yibo knew if he killed the other it would be a grave mistake. Same goes for Xiao Zhan as well.

Before Yibo could recall the rules of dead Meng Ziyi appeared in front of them with a hands tied on her chest.

"Yibo....Yibo, what did you do?" Both Zhan and Yibo watched as Ziyi walked towards the dead man and give them a disappointed gaze.
"I'm sure you already know what's going to happen next right?" Yibo could only nod his head. Yet maybe just maybe since Zhan's case is quite unique they'll have a chance?

"As per rules you who killed him will be sent to hell." Ziyi said pointing at Zhan who by now already figured out they're trip to afterlife together might have some difficulties.

"Can't we have-" Before Yibo could finish his sentence it was Haoxuan this time came with his worried expression.
"Oh shit Yibo..Deity you're already here?" Haoxuan asked amused. He was originally planning on cleaning up the mess before Ziyi would come but guess he was late.

"I already know whats going inside that brain of yours. But if I let it happen it would be me getting punished." Ziyi said as Haoxuan sheepishly smiled.

"Anyway as I was saying, Can't we have one chance? Look it was my fault that Zhan killed him. It wasn't his fault at all!" Yibo tried reasoning out only to get shut by Zhan who glared at him.

"Who said it was you who made me kill him. It's me who did it and besides that bastard deserved it." Zhan said stubbornly. Yibo could only plead the deity with his eyes.

"I'm being put in a tight situation too Yibo, I just can't ignore my duty. If it's not this way there is only one way around." That took the interest of all the three males there in an instant.
"What is it?" Yibo asked.

"Well the punishment is still there for killing a living mortal. Only the punishment will differ than before. You have to go back on living and Yibo will have to stay here like he did." Ziyi said pointing at Zhan.
There had always been a question inside Zhan's head about why the female never addresses him in his name.

"Technically that means I'm stuck here till Zhan comes back because he is the only way for me to go afterlife." Yibo said worrying his lip.

Zhan turned towards Yibo not really knowing what to do hearing that. Yibo only retuned him a saddened smile.


Don't hate me too much for this yall.

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