XZ: Stranger

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Xiao Zhan was trying to ignore the fact how reluctant the other was when he asked him a question. But it felt as if it kept replaying in his mind and reminding him how unimportant he was to other.

He turned back to see Yibo who was already asleep. He heaved a sigh and entered back to the room. Chuckling to himself of on the funny posture other was, he left the room and eventually the house again.

He walked on the road which would soon make its entrance to the human realm. He felt the chilly breeze hitting on his face as he continued walking. He had a faint idea where he was going to go but not sure what good would it be to go there.

He stood in front of the hospital where his body lies. It looked busy as ever yet in middle of night. Abruptly a siren was heard by Zhan who saw a ambulance rushing its way towards the emergency treating entrance. He couldn't help but to imagine vaguely that he also might've came here just like that.

He finally came in front of his room and got in—seeing the same scenery he saw few days back then. He knew his clock was ticking and the time he has left to wonder like this is reducing at every second. But when he thought about it, he didn't mind being a ghost and keep goofing around with the other.

Only fear he had was that he would have to wave goodbye the other and he would leave to afterlife, leaving Yibo behind.

Shaking his head he glanced at his much paler body. He looked at himself then back at his body which was still as ever. He didn't knew how he got lost in his thoughts, staring at his body until he felt another presence behind him.

He whipped his head towards the other and saw it was none other than Wang Yibo himself. He plastered a faint smile and asked,

"What are you doing here?"

"I came because I knew I would find you here." Yibo said shrugging in the process.

"But why do you want to find me?" For that Zhan didn't expect a bit hurt expression from the other and then back to his normal poker face.

"Don't tell me you kept standing there till morning." Zhan realised it was already morning then.

"I did.."

"Well don't do it anymore. Why don't we go somewhere else? Let's see if we'll see your favourite ghost back again on the way." Yibo said as he flipped his hair which was caught off guard by Zhan who couldn't help but to mutter a low 'hot'.

"It's not my favourite ghost." Zhan retorted but following Yibo out of the hospital room nevertheless.

Zhan just kept his foot outside the hospital and immediately felt a warm hand on his right. He looked at his hand and realised Yibo was holding on to it.

"Why are you holding my hand?" Zhan asked not halting on their steps.

"Because I'm cold." Yibo said nonchalantly. Zhan couldn't help but feel like the need to keep holding that hand more often from today even though he himself knew that it wouldn't be possible.

He felt like that sparkling like feeling he had every time he saw Yibo back then, again inside which would leave him a enthusiasm like sensation.

Both stopped on their walk when they passed the house on where they saw the ghost woman back then. Zhan was indeed disappointed to see no one outside but then the ghost appeared with another women dressed in red following her after.

Zhan saw how the ghost started slowly turn into brown dust-like thing and fade into the air as the lady had a mournful expression on her face. The other woman had a blank, stoic face as Zhan noticed.

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