WYB: Sillhoute

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Never in his life he has felt this much euphoria and he was sure about it more than anything. Just feeling the heat radiating from the one next to him was the core for his euphoria—frankly speaking.

"Please don't tell me we are again walking for miles just because you don't have an idea where to go." He heard Zhan saying making him chuckle.

Ever since that day where Yibo confronted he was the one probably at the cause of Zhan's accident, both have been in peace for two days until Yibo suddenly said he need to get his order of the newest brand's shoes which coasted a fortune in Zhan's language.

But since the order will delay a few more hours because of some technical errors on the ship which was transporting it, they had been left with few hours to do nothing.

"What if it is the case." Zhan groaned at the reply he got.

"I can't believe you are a p-" Yibo was focussing on Zhan until a vague shadow of a person caught his attention. He was observing the figure who seemed to be in a call from behind until it started moving.

"YAH! Where the hell are you going?" Yibo heard Zhan but his body didn't seem to obey the older just this moment. He felt raged and need of vengeance so powerfully that he could almost feel himself running after the person. He didn't care that the other was on a car, he only knew he should follow the car.

When he was close to catching up with the person he saw the car stopping and the person who awfully seemed familiar went inside the house—after getting out of the car. He automatically stopped on his tracks when he realised what place it was.

"You! You piece of shit. You couldn't even get a job? What's the use of you?" Yibo tried his best to protect his head by clutching his knees tighter as ever and trying to make himself smaller as possible.

He didn't understand why the older was so mad because of just merely a thing and he didn't understand how the other changed his attitude just after taking custody of him. He was in terrible pain and that's all he knew.

After it felt like the other stopped, he managed to sneak into his room and slowly lay himself on the bed, as if he did faster he was afraid his probably rifles bruises would trigger and cause him greater pain.

He didn't knew how much time he stared at that familiar pale colour ceiling—which used to be his favourite until he heard the front door of the house close with a loud slam. Flinching a bit, Yibo tried calculating what time it was. After thinking he estimated it must be near seven or eight.

He was hungry, extremely but he didn't knew what force inside his mind prevented him from him going down to eat something. Was he afraid the older man would barged in and blame him?
He didn't knew but he knew that going school tomorrow would be much more painful.

Considering the fact more pain would be awaiting for him at school.

When Yibo snapped out of his daze he realised Zhan was next to him panting and trying to catch his breadth.

"W-why did you r-run?" Zhan managed to utter between his huffs of breadths. Yibo gave a panicked look at Zhan.

"Nothing—why did you follow me anyways? And now you are panting like you ran a marathon." Yibo said earning a glare from the other.

"Buy me something in return for running for you."

"No one asked to you to run for me." Zhan groaned making Yibo chuckle.


Both were lying on the wide bed on corner of both sides—wide awake. Zhan had closed his eyes yet he was awake and Yibo knew it. In his case, he had a question that he wanted to make sure of. So he was thinking whether if he should ask it or not.

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