WYB: Option

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Was this a dream?
Was it that I am hearing things?

When Zhan had just said that he like me and had liked me all these time, how can anyone expect me to believe it? Yibo was too of lost of words to respond to Zhan.

Yibo felt the back of his eyes stinging just as Zhan repeated them in much more clear words. But  still the unreality of this whole scenario left Yibo still doubting and wanting more assurance. So he asked him to repeat it again.
This time Yibo was sure he'd wake up from this bizarre dream of his. Because no, it felt so surreal for him.

Yibo nearly flinched when Zhan took him by his wrist and stood up. Dragging Yibo behind him towards the balcony. Yibo was confused and certainly tried not to let his mind run wild with imagination.

Zhan grabbed the handrail of the window from his free hand—still grabbing Yibo by his wrist while Zhan leaned forward into the darkness.

"Wang Yibo, I freaking like you!" He shouted even though it took Yibo time to understand the words.
Yibo glanced at Zhan, already aware that his eyes are brimming with tears.
All these years of waiting,
They weren't futile after all!

Yibo didn't wait as his used my toes to lift himself a little because of his and Zhan's small height difference—slamming his lips onto him. As if Zhan was expecting it already, he kissed me back with the same feelings Yibo was trying to express.

It wasn't intimate nor erotic.
It was just purely happiness, relief and love as Yibo liked to call.

Zhan broke the kiss feelings saltiness on Yibo's lips, realising that other was shedding tears.

"Why? What's wrong?" Zhan asked, worried.
Yibo shook his head denying.

"Yibo tell me what's wrong?" Zhan asked this time more persistent.

"It's just I'm so happy you know." Yibo replied lifting his hand to wipe his unwanted tears. Instead he felt a hand grabbing his own hand and stopping him. He felt Zhan's warm hands wiping away his tears with his smile towards him.

"Aish Bo bo is still a kid." Zhan said jokingly as Yibo pouted in return.

"Wait!" Yibo interrupted taking Zhan by surprise.

"What's bo bo again?"

Zhan chuckled in response. "My nickname for you."

Yibo rolled his eyes and turned around to the balcony overlooking the endless darkness. Now comes the hard part.

"But it's all going to be useless." It took Zhan by surprise.

"Why?" Zhan was more confused as the other had a mournful look all over his face.

"You will get back to your body soon and I'll be left here all alone to myself." Yibo muttered trying to not imagine his future self keep helplessly watching Zhan live his life while he was set to be alone until Zhan comes again. But who knows what if Zhan change his mind on his lifetimes? What if he meet a cute, beautiful girl and decides to go to afterlife with her? Will he forget him?

Yibo was torn off from his endless 'What if's when he heard Zhan's next words,
"I'll come with you."

Yibo stared at Zhan hoping to find any insincerity. He only saw the unfazed side profile of Zhan.

"I was only thinking about you all this time while I was living so why the hell would I let go of this change and go back to my depressing life?" Zhan now said smiling as Yibo felt his heart swell even more.

He was thinking of him just as he was?

"But Zhan...you will have to leave everyone. Are you...No, Can you leave them yet?" Yibo asked even though he hoped to hear Zhan say no and agree to stay with him.

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